%%{init: { 'logLevel': 'debug', 'theme': 'base' } }%%
graph LR
    waveform[Get Data] --> correlate(Correlation)
    correlate -->|save| corrdb[(CorrDB/hdf5)]
    corrdb --> monitor
    monitor[Measure dv]:::active -->|save| dv{{DV}}
    click waveform "../trace_data.html" "trace_data"
    click correlate "../correlate.html" "correlate"
    click monitor "../monitor.html" "monitor"
    click corrdb "../corrdb.html" "CorrDB"
    click dv "../monitor/dv.html" "DV"
    classDef active fill:#f666, stroke-width:4px, stroke:#f06;

Compute Velocity Changes#

SeisMIC uses the stretching technique (Sens-Schönfelder & Wegler, 2006) to estimate a spatially homogeneous velocity change between the stations (for Cross-Correlations) or in station vicinity (for inter-component or autocorrelations). This technique is grounded upon the assumption that a homogeneous change in velocity will result in a homogeneous stretching of the Green’s function.


We are currently in the stage of implementing some other algorithms to estimate dv/v. If you don’t want to wait, it should be easy for you to implement a different algorithm yourself.

Arguments in params.yaml#

To set the arguments for our velocity change computation, we will once again use the yaml file as shown before. Closer to the bottom of this file, you will find a section with the key dv:

 1#### parameters for the estimation of time differences
 3    # subfolder for storage of time difference results
 4    subdir : 'vel_change'
 6    # Plotting
 7    plot_vel_change : True
 9    ### Definition of calender time windows for the time difference measurements
10    start_date : '2015-05-01 00:00:00.0'   # %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ'
11    end_date : '2016-01-01 00:00:00.0'
12    win_len : 86400                         # length of window in which EGFs are stacked
13    date_inc : 86400                        # increment of measurements
15    ### Frequencies
16    freq_min : 4
17    freq_max : 8
19    ### Definition of lapse time window
20    tw_start : 20     # lapse time of first sample [s]
21    tw_len : 60       # length of window [s] Can be None if the whole (rest) of the coda should be used
22    sides : 'both'   # options are left (for acausal), right (causal), both, or single (for active source experiments where the first sample is the trigger time)
23    compute_tt : True  # Computes the travel time and adds it to tw_start (tt is 0 if not xstations). If true a rayleigh wave velocity has to be provided
24    rayleigh_wave_velocity : 1  # rayleigh wave velocity in km/s, will be ignored if compute_tt=False
27    ### Range to try stretching
28    stretch_range : 0.03
29    stretch_steps : 1001
31    #### Reference trace extraction
32    #  win_inc : Length in days of each reference time window to be used for trace extraction
33    # If == 0, only one trace will be extracted
34    # If > 0, mutliple reference traces will be used for the dv calculation
35    # Can also be a list if the length of the windows should vary
36    # See seismic.correlate.stream.CorrBulk.extract_multi_trace for details on arguments
37    dt_ref : {'win_inc' : 0, 'method': 'mean', 'percentile': 50}
39    # preprocessing on the correlation bulk or corr_stream before stretch estimation
40    preprocessing: [
41                    #{'function': 'pop_at_utcs', 'args': {'utcs': np.array([UTCDateTime()])},
42                    {'function': 'smooth', 'args': {'wsize': 48, 'wtype': 'hanning', 'axis': 1}}
43    ]
45    # postprocessing of dv objects before saving and plotting
46    postprocessing: [
47                    {'function': 'smooth_sim_mat', 'args': {'win_len': 7, exclude_corr_below: 0}}
48    ]

As you can see, there are only fairly few settings that can be changed, some of which are very obvious again:

  • subdir: directory to save the dv objects in

  • plot_vel_change: Set this to True if you would like your velocity changes to be plotted to a file in the fig folder.

  • start_date, end_date: Start and end of the time series (Note that it will result in nans if there are no correlations available.

  • win_len, date_inc: Length of each datapoint (i.e., correlation) in seconds and distance between the subsequent datapoints. win_len has to be at least equal to the length of one correlation. If it is longer, correlations will be stacked.

  • freq_min, freq_max: lower and upper frequencies for the bandpass filter.

  • preprocessing: List of functions that will be applied to the correlations prior to the interferometry. You can feed in your own custom functions. smooth does just simply apply a moving window along one axis. Physical window length is win_inc``*48 + 2*(``win_len - win_inc).

  • postprocessing: Functions that are applied to the DV object. Same logic as for preprocessing

The other four parameters will influence the actual stretching: + tw is the time window in the coda which should be stretched and compared with the lapsed correlations. + stretch_range is the maximum absolute stretch to be tested + stretch_steps the number of increments that will be tested between the minimum and maximum stretching. + sides decides whether seismic will compare both sides of the correlation functions (positive and negative lag-times / causal and acausal) or just one (if set to single) + The compute_tt and rayleigh_wave_velocity are only relevant for cross-correlations. If set, SeisMIC will add the time of theoretical arrival to the tw_start parameter.

Computing the Reference Trace#

dt_ref is the parameter governing the computation of the reference trace. We can opt for a single reference trace for the whole period (dt_ref['win_inc']=0) or multiple reference traces. Check out the docstring of extract_multi_trace() to learn more!

Start the Computation#

Again, the procedure is fairly similar to startin the correlation. Velocity stretch estimates are computed by the Monitor object. Once again, usage with mpi is possible. Your velocity stretch estimate script could look something like this:

 1import os
 2# This tells numpy to only use one thread
 3# As we use MPI this is necessary to avoid overascribing threads
 4os.environ['OPENBLAS_NUM_THREADS'] = '1'
 6from seismic.monitor.monitor import Monitor
 8yaml_f = '/home/pm/Documents/PhD/Chaku/params.yaml'
 9m = Monitor(yaml_f)

Again, you will only want to use the method seismic.monitor.monitor.Monitor.compute_velocity_change_bulk(). You can start the script using mpi:

mpirun -n $number_of_cores python $path_to_file/compute_dv.py+


compute_velocity_change_bulk() is the multi-core equivalent of compute_velocity_change(). The latter takes a particular hdf5 file as input, whereas the former will estimate the velocity changes of all hdf5 files that are defined by co[‘subdir’] in the params.yaml file and fit the filters set in net. This also means that the process won’t speed up any more if number_of_cores exceeds the number of hdf5 correlation files that you have computed previously.

Computing the waveform coherence#

You might have noticed that there is another key called wfc in our params.yaml. This part is meant for the computation of the waveform coherence. If you want to learn more, refer to our tutorial.