Source code for seismic.utils.raw_analysis

Module for waveform data analysis. Contains spectrogram computation.

   The SeisMIC development team (
   Peter Makus (

Created: Wednesday, 21st June 2023 12:22:00 pm
Last Modified: Thursday, 31st August 2023 04:40:30 pm
from typing import Iterator
import warnings

from mpi4py import MPI
import numpy as np
from obspy import Stream, Trace
from scipy.signal import welch
from scipy.interpolate import pchip_interpolate

from seismic.utils.miic_utils import resample_or_decimate

[docs]def spct_series_welch( streams: Iterator[Stream], window_length: int, freqmax: float, remove_response: bool = True): """ Computes a spectral time series. Each point in time is computed using the welch method. Windows overlap by half the windolength. The input stream can contain one or several traces from the same station. Frequency axis is logarithmic. .. note:: MPI support since version 0.4.2. Then the result is only available on rank 0. All other ranks return None. (to save RAM) :param st: Input Stream with data from one station. :type st: ~obspy.core.Stream :param window_length: window length in seconds for each datapoint in time :type window_length: int or float :param freqmax: maximum frequency to be considered :type freqmax: float :return: Arrays containing a frequency and time series and the spectral series. :rtype: np.ndarray """ comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD rank = comm.Get_rank() psize = comm.Get_size() specl = [] # List of actually available times t = [] for ii, st in enumerate(streams): # Find out which stream to process if ii % psize != rank: continue try: # Don't preprocess masked values tr = Stream( [preprocess( tr, freqmax, remove_response) for tr in st.split()]).merge()[0] except IndexError: warnings.warn('No data in stream for this time step.') continue except Exception as e: warnings.warn( 'Error while preprocessing stream. Skipping... Message: ' f'{e}') continue for wintr in tr.slide(window_length=window_length, step=window_length): try: f, S = welch(, fs=wintr.stats.sampling_rate) # interpolate onto a logarithmic frequency space # 512 points of resolution in f direction hardcoded for now f2 = np.logspace(-3, np.log10(f.max()), 512) S2 = pchip_interpolate(f, S, f2) specl.append(S2) t.append(wintr.stats.starttime) except Exception as e: warnings.warn( 'Error while computing welch spectrum for time window: ' f'{wintr.stats.starttime}. Skipping... Message: {e}') continue # Gather all the data specl = comm.gather(specl, root=0) t = comm.gather(t, root=0) if rank == 0: # Flatten the list specl = [item for sublist in specl for item in sublist] t = [item for sublist in t for item in sublist] # Sort from values in t specl = [x for _, x in sorted(zip(t, specl))] t = sorted(t) # Convert to numpy array S = np.array(specl) t = np.array(t) try: return f2, t, S.T except UnboundLocalError: raise ValueError( 'A spectrum could not be computed. Check earlier log messages') else: return None, None, None
[docs]def preprocess(tr: Trace, freqmax: float, remove_response: bool): """ Some very basic preprocessing on the string in order to plot the spectral series. Does the following steps: *1. Remove station response* *2. Detrend* *3. Decimate if sampling rate>50* *4. highpass filter with corner period of 300s.* :param st: The input Stream, should only contain Traces from one station. :type st: ~obspy.core.Stream :return: The output stream and station inventory object :rtype: ~obspy.core.Stream and ~obspy.core.Inventory """ # Downsample to make computations faster resample_or_decimate(tr, freqmax*2) if remove_response: # Remove response tr.remove_response() # Detrend tr.detrend(type='linear') # highpass filter tr.filter('highpass', freq=0.01) return tr