Source code for seismic.utils.miic_utils

   The SeisMIC development team (
   Peter Makus (

Created: Monday, 29th March 2021 12:54:05 pm
Last Modified: Wednesday, 19th June 2024 03:13:18 pm
from typing import List, Tuple
import logging
import re
import warnings

import numpy as np
from obspy import Inventory, Stream, Trace, UTCDateTime
from obspy.core import Stats, AttribDict

from seismic.correlate.preprocessing_stream import cos_taper_st

log_lvl = {
    'DEBUG': logging.DEBUG,
    'INFO': logging.INFO,
    'WARNING': logging.WARNING,
    'CRITICAL': logging.CRITICAL,
    'ERROR': logging.ERROR}

[docs]def trace_calc_az_baz_dist(stats1: Stats, stats2: Stats) -> Tuple[ float, float, float]: """ Return azimuth, back azimhut and distance between tr1 and tr2 This funtions calculates the azimut, back azimut and distance between tr1 and tr2 if both have geo information in their stats dictonary. Required fields are: ``tr.stats.sac.stla`` and ``tr.stats.sac.stlo`` :type stats1: :class:`~obspy.core.Stats` :param stats1: First trace to account :type stats2: :class:`~obspy.core.Stats` :param stats2: Second trace to account :rtype: float :return: **az**: Azimuth angle between tr1 and tr2 :rtype: float :return: **baz**: Back-azimuth angle between tr1 and tr2 :rtype: float :return: **dist**: Distance between tr1 and tr2 in m """ if not isinstance(stats1, (Stats, AttribDict)): raise TypeError("stats1 must be an obspy Stats object.") if not isinstance(stats2, (Stats, AttribDict)): raise TypeError("stats2 must be an obspy Stats object.") try: from obspy.geodetics import gps2dist_azimuth except ImportError: print("Missed obspy funciton gps2dist_azimuth") print("Update obspy.") return dist, az, baz = gps2dist_azimuth( stats1['stla'], stats1['stlo'], stats2['stla'], stats2['stlo']) return az, baz, dist
[docs]def filter_stat_dist(inv1: Inventory, inv2: Inventory, thres: float) -> bool: """ Very simple function to check whether to stations are closer than thres to each other. :param inv1: Inventory of station 1 :type inv1: Inventory :param inv2: Inventory of station 2 :type inv2: Inventory :param thres: Threshold distance in m :type thres: float :return: True if closer (or equal) than thres, False if not. :rtype: bool """ return inv_calc_az_baz_dist(inv1, inv2)[-1] <= thres
[docs]def inv_calc_az_baz_dist(inv1: Inventory, inv2: Inventory) -> Tuple[ float, float, float]: """ Return azimuth, back azimuth and distance between stat1 and stat2 :type tr1: :class:`~obspy.core.inventory.Inventory` :param tr1: First trace to account :type tr2: :class:`~obspy.core.inventory.Inventory` :param tr2: Second trace to account :rtype: float :return: **az**: Azimuth angle between stat1 and stat2 :rtype: float :return: **baz**: Back-azimuth angle between stat2 and stat2 :rtype: float :return: **dist**: Distance between stat1 and stat2 in m """ if not isinstance(inv1, Inventory): raise TypeError("inv1 must be an obspy Inventory.") if not isinstance(inv2, Inventory): raise TypeError("inv2 must be an obspy Inventory.") try: from obspy.geodetics import gps2dist_azimuth except ImportError: print("Missing obspy funciton gps2dist_azimuth") print("Update obspy.") return dist, az, baz = gps2dist_azimuth( inv1[0][0].latitude, inv1[0][0].longitude, inv2[0][0].latitude, inv2[0][0].longitude) return az, baz, dist
[docs]def resample_or_decimate( data: Trace or Stream, sampling_rate_new: int, filter=True) -> Stream or Trace: """Decimates the data if the desired new sampling rate allows to do so. Else the signal will be interpolated (a lot slower). :param data: Stream to be resampled. :type data: Stream :param sampling_rate_new: The desired new sampling rate :type sampling_rate_new: int :return: The resampled stream :rtype: Stream """ if isinstance(data, Stream): if not len(data): return data sr = data[0].stats.sampling_rate srl = [tr.stats.sampling_rate for tr in data] if len(set(srl)) != 1: # differing sampling rates in stream for tr in data: try: tr = resample_or_decimate(tr, sampling_rate_new, filter) except ValueError: warnings.warn( f'Trace {tr} not downsampled. Sampling rate is lower' + ' than requested sampling rate.') return data elif isinstance(data, Trace): sr = data.stats.sampling_rate else: raise TypeError('Data has to be an obspy Stream or Trace.') srn = sampling_rate_new if srn > sr: raise ValueError('New sampling rate greater than old. This function \ is only intended for downsampling.') elif srn == sr: return data # Chosen this filter design as it's exactly the same as # obspy.Stream.decimate uses # Decimation factor factor = float(sr)/float(srn) if filter and factor <= 16: freq = sr * 0.5 / factor data.filter('lowpass_cheby_2', freq=freq, maxorder=12) elif filter: # Use a different filter freq = sr * 0.45 / factor data.filter('lowpass_cheby_2', freq=freq, maxorder=12) if sr/srn == sr//srn: return data.decimate(int(sr//srn), no_filter=True) else: return data.resample(srn)
[docs]def trim_stream_delta( st: Stream, start: float, end: float, *args, **kwargs) -> Stream: """ Cut all traces to starttime+start and endtime-end. *args* and *kwargs* will be passed to :func:`~obspy.Stream.trim` :param st: Input Stream :type st: Stream :param start: Delta to add to old starttime (in seconds) :type start: float :param end: Delta to remove from old endtime (in seconds) :type end: float :return: The trimmed stream :rtype: Stream .. note:: This operation is performed in place on the actual data arrays. The raw data will no longer be accessible afterwards. To keep your original data, use copy() to create a copy of your stream object. """ for tr in st: tr = trim_trace_delta(tr, start, end, *args, **kwargs) return st
[docs]def trim_trace_delta( tr: Trace, start: float, end: float, *args, **kwargs) -> Trace: """ Cut all traces to starttime+start and endtime-end. *args* and *kwargs* will be passed to :func:`~obspy.Trace.trim`. :param st: Input Trace :type st: Trace :param start: Delta to add to old starttime (in seconds) :type start: float :param end: Delta to remove from old endtime (in seconds) :type end: float :return: The trimmed trace :rtype: Trace .. note:: This operation is performed in place on the actual data arrays. The raw data will no longer be accessible afterwards. To keep your original data, use copy() to create a copy of your stream object. """ return tr.trim( starttime=tr.stats.starttime+start, endtime=tr.stats.endtime-end, *args, **kwargs)
# Time keys t_keys = ['starttime', 'endtime', 'corr_start', 'corr_end'] # No stats, keys that are not in stats but attributes of the respective objects no_stats = [ 'corr', 'value', 'sim_mat', 'second_axis', 'method_array', 'vt_array', 'data', 'tw_len', 'tw_start', 'freq_min', 'freq_max', 'aligned', 'subdir', 'plot_vel_change', 'start_date', 'end_date', 'win_len', 'date_inc', 'sides', 'compute_tt', 'rayleigh_wave_velocity', 'stretch_range', 'stretch_steps', 'dt_ref', 'preprocessing', 'postprocessing']
[docs]def save_header_to_np_array(stats: Stats) -> dict: """ Converts an obspy header to a format that allows it to be saved in an npz file (i.e., several gzipped npy files) :param stats: input Header :type stats: Stats :return: Dictionary, whose keys are the names of the arrays and the values the arrays themselves. Can be fed into ``np.savez`` as `**kwargs` :rtype: dict """ array_dict = {} for k in stats: if k in t_keys: array_dict[k] = convert_utc_to_timestamp(stats[k]) else: array_dict[k] = np.array([stats[k]]) return array_dict
[docs]def load_header_from_np_array(array_dict: dict) -> dict: """ Takes the *dictionary-like* return-value of `np.load` and converts the corresponding keywords into an obspy header. :param array_dict: Return value of `np.load` :type array_dict: dict :return: The obspy header as dictionary :rtype: dict """ d = {} for k in array_dict: if k in no_stats or re.match('reftr', k): continue elif k in t_keys: d[k] = convert_timestamp_to_utcdt(array_dict[k]) else: try: d[k] = array_dict[k][0] except IndexError: warnings.warn( f'Key {k} could not be loaded into the header.') return d
[docs]def convert_utc_to_timestamp( utcdt: UTCDateTime or List[UTCDateTime]) -> np.ndarray: """ Converts :class:`obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime` objects to floats. :param utcdt: The input times, either a list of utcdatetimes or one utcdatetime :type utcdt: UTCDateTimeorList[UTCDateTime] :return: A numpy array of timestamps :rtype: np.ndarray """ if isinstance(utcdt, UTCDateTime): utcdt = [utcdt] timestamp = np.array([t.timestamp for t in utcdt]) return timestamp
[docs]def convert_timestamp_to_utcdt(timestamp: np.ndarray) -> List[UTCDateTime]: """ Converts a numpy array holding timestamps (i.e., floats) to a list of UTCDateTime objects :param timestamp: numpy array holding timestamps :type timestamp: np.ndarray :return: a list of UTCDateTime objects :rtype: List[UTCDateTime] """ timestamp = list(timestamp) for ii, t in enumerate(timestamp): timestamp[ii] = UTCDateTime(t) if len(timestamp) == 1: timestamp = timestamp[0] return timestamp
[docs]def get_valid_traces(st: Stream): """Return only valid traces of a stream. Remove traces that are 100% masked from a stream. This happens when a masked trace is trimmed within a gap. The function works in place. :type st: obspy.Stream :param st: stream to work on """ for tr in st: if isinstance(, if st.remove(tr) return
[docs]def discard_short_traces(st: Stream, length: float): """ Discard all traces from stream that are shorter than length. :param st: inputer obspy Stream :type st: Stream :param length: Maxixmum Length that should be discarded (in seconds). :type length: float .. note:: Action is performed in place. """ for tr in st: if tr.stats.npts/tr.stats.sampling_rate <= length: st.remove(tr) logging.debug(f'Discarding short Trace {tr}.') return
[docs]def nan_moving_av( data: np.ndarray, win_half_len: int, axis: int = -1) -> np.ndarray: """ Returns a filtered version of data, disregarding the nans. Moving mean window length is win_half_len*2+1. :param data: Array to be filtered :type data: np.ndarray :param win_half_len: Half length of the boxcar filter (len = halflen*2+1) :type win_half_len: int :param axis: Axis to filter along, defaults to -1 :type axis: int, optional :return: The filtered array :rtype: np.ndarray """ # Swap axes, so we can work on queried axis dataswap = data.swapaxes(0, axis) data_smooth = np.empty_like(dataswap) for ii in range(dataswap.shape[0]): start = ii - win_half_len if start < 0: start = 0 # weighted average data_smooth[ii] = np.nanmean( dataswap[start:ii+win_half_len+1], axis=0) return data_smooth.swapaxes(0, axis)
[docs]def stream_require_dtype(st: Stream, dtype: type) -> Stream: """ Often it might make sense to change the data type of seismic data before saving or broadcasting (e.g., to save memory). This function allows to do so :param st: input Stream :type st: Stream :param dtype: desired datatype, e.g. np.float32 :type dtype: type :return: Stream with data in new dtype :rtype: Stream .. note:: This operation is performed in place. """ for tr in st: = np.require(, dtype)
[docs]def correct_polarity(st: Stream, inv: Inventory): """ Sometimes the polarity of a seismometer's vertical component is reversed. This simple functions flips the polarity if this should be the case. .. note:: This function acts on the data in-place. :param st: input stream. If there is no Z-component, nothing will happen. :type st: Stream :param inv: Inventory holding the orientation information. :type inv: Inventory """ st_z ='Z') for tr in st_z: dip = inv.get_orientation(, datetime=tr.stats.starttime)['dip'] if dip > 0: *= -1
[docs]def nan_helper(y: np.ndarray) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Helper to handle indices and logical indices of NaNs. :param y: numpy array with possible NaNs :type y: 1d np.ndarray :return: Tuple of two numpy arrays: The first one holds a logical mask indicating the positions of nans, the second one is a function that can be called to translate the first output to indices. :rtype: Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray] .. example:: >>> # linear interpolation of NaNs >>> nans, x = nan_helper(y) >>> y[nans] = np.interp(x(nans), x(~nans), y[~nans]) """ return np.isnan(y), lambda z: z.nonzero()[0]
[docs]def gap_handler( st: Stream, max_interpolation_length: int = 10, retain_len: float = 0, taper_len: float = 10) -> Stream: """ This function tries to interpolate gaps in a stream. If the gaps are too large and the data snippets too short, the data will be discarded. Around remaining gaps, the trace will be tapered. :param st: Stream that might contain gaps :type st: Stream :param max_interpolation_length: maximum length in number of samples to interpolate, defaults to 10 :type max_interpolation_length: int, optional :param retain_len: length in seconds that a data snippet has to have to be retained, defaults to 0 :type retain_len: int, optional :param taper_len: Length of the taper in seconds, defaults to 10 :type taper_len: float, optional :return: The sanitised stream :rtype: Stream """ # take care of overlaps st = st.merge(method=-1) # 1. try to interpolate gaps st = interpolate_gaps_st(st, max_gap_len=max_interpolation_length) # split trace and discard snippets that are shorter than retain_len st = st.split() discard_short_traces(st, retain_len) # Taper the remaining bits at their ends st = cos_taper_st(st, taper_len, False, False) return st.merge()
[docs]def interpolate_gaps(A: np.ndarray, max_gap_len: int = -1) -> np.ndarray: """ perform a linear interpolation where A is filled with nans. :param A: np.ndarray, containing nans :type A: np.ndarray :param max_gap_len: maximum length to fill, defaults to -1 :type max_gap_len: int, optional :return: The array with interpolated values :rtype: np.ndarray """ A = if not return A mask = maskconc = np.concatenate(( [mask[0]], mask[:-1] != mask[1:], [True])) maskstart = np.where(np.all([maskconc[:-1], mask], axis=0))[0] masklen = np.diff(np.where(maskconc)[0])[::2] if max_gap_len == -1: max_gap_len = len(A) x = np.arange(len(A)) for mstart, ml in zip(maskstart, masklen): if ml > max_gap_len: warnings.warn( 'Gap too large. Not interpolating.', UserWarning) continue A[mstart:mstart+ml] = np.interp( np.arange(mstart, mstart+ml), x[~mask], A[~mask], left=np.nan, right=np.nan) return
[docs]def interpolate_gaps_st(st: Stream, max_gap_len: int = -1) -> Stream: """ perform a linear interpolation where A is filled with nans. :param st: Stream containing nans :type st: Stream :param max_gap_len: maximum length to fill, defaults to -1 :type max_gap_len: int, optional :return: The stream with interpolated values :rtype: Stream """ for tr in st: = interpolate_gaps(, max_gap_len) return st
[docs]def sort_combinations_alphabetically( netcomb: str, stacomb: str, loccomb: str, chacomb: str) -> Tuple[ str, str, str, str]: """ Sort the combinations of network, station, location and channel alphabetically to avoid ambiguities. :param netcomb: Network combination :type netcomb: str :param stacomb: Station combination :type stacomb: str :param loccomb: Location combination :type loccomb: str :param chacomb: Channel combination :type chacomb: str :return: The sorted combinations :rtype: Tuple[str, str, str, str] """ sort = [ '.'.join([net, sta, loc, cha]) for net, sta, loc, cha in zip( netcomb.split('-'), stacomb.split('-'), loccomb.split('-'), chacomb.split('-'))] sorted = sort.copy() sorted.sort() if sorted != sort: netcomb, stacomb, loccomb, chacomb = ['-'.join([a, b]) for a, b in zip( sorted[0].split('.'), sorted[1].split('.'))] return netcomb, stacomb, loccomb, chacomb