The SeisMIC development team (makus@gfz-potsdam.de).
GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3
Peter Makus (makus@gfz-potsdam.de)
Created: Thursday, 18th February 2021 02:30:02 pm
Last Modified: Friday, 27th September 2024 10:28:06 am
import fnmatch
import os
import datetime
import glob
from typing import List, Tuple, Iterator
import warnings
import re
import numpy as np
from obspy.clients.fdsn import Client as rClient
from obspy.clients.fdsn.header import FDSNNoDataException
from obspy.clients.filesystem.sds import Client as lClient
from obspy import read_inventory, UTCDateTime, read, Stream, Inventory
from obspy.clients.fdsn.mass_downloader import RectangularDomain, \
Restrictions, MassDownloader
from seismic.utils.raw_analysis import spct_series_welch
SDS_FMTSTR = os.path.join(
"{year}", "{network}", "{station}", "{channel}.{sds_type}",
SDS_FMTSTR_alldoy = os.path.join(
"{year}", "{network}", "{station}", "{channel}.{sds_type}",
[docs]class Store_Client(object):
Client for request and local storage of waveform data
Request client that stores downloaded data for later local retrieval.
When reading stored data the client reads from the local copy of the data.
Inventory data is stored in the folder `inventory` and attached to data
that is read.
def __init__(self, Client: rClient, path: str, read_only: bool = False):
Initialize the client
:type Client: obspy request client that supports the 'get_waveform'
:param Client: obspy request client that supports the 'get_waveform'
:type path: str
:param path: path of the store's sds root directory
:type read_only: Bool
:param read_only: If True the local archive is not extended.
assert os.path.isdir(path), "{} is not a directory".format(path)
self.fileborder_seconds = 30
self.fileborder_samples = 5000
self.sds_root = os.path.join(path, 'mseed')
if not read_only:
os.makedirs(self.sds_root, exist_ok=True)
self.inv_dir = os.path.join(path, "inventory")
if os.path.isdir(self.inv_dir) and os.listdir(self.inv_dir):
self.inventory = self.read_inventory()
self.inventory = Inventory()
if not read_only:
os.makedirs(self.inv_dir, exist_ok=True)
self.sds_type = "D"
self.lclient = lClient(
self.sds_root, sds_type=self.sds_type, format="MSEED",
self.rclient = Client
self.read_only = read_only
[docs] def get_available_stations(
self, network: str = None) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]:
Returns a list of stations for which raw data is available.
Very similar to the
:func:`~obspy.clients.filesystem.sds.get_all_stations()` method with
the difference that this one allows to filter for particular networks.
:param network: Only return stations from this network.
``network==None`` is same as a wildcard. Defaults to None.
:type network: str or None, optional
:return: List of network and station codes in the form:
`[[net0,stat0], [net1,stat1]]`.
:rtype: list
# If no network is defined use all
network = network or '*'
oslist = glob.glob(
os.path.join(self.sds_root, '????', network, '*'))
statlist = []
for path in oslist:
# Check wheteher folder has the format of a year
if not isinstance(eval(path.split(os.path.sep)[-3]), int):
# Add all network and station combinations to list
code = path.split(os.path.sep)[-2:]
if code not in statlist:
if not statlist:
raise FileNotFoundError('No Data Available.')
return statlist
def _get_mseed_storage(
self, network: str, station: str, location: str,
channel: str, starttime: UTCDateTime,
endtime: UTCDateTime) -> bool or str:
# Returning True means that neither the data nor the StationXML file
# will be downloaded.
filename = SDS_FMTSTR.format(
network=network, station=station, location=location,
channel=channel, year=starttime.year, doy=starttime.julday,
outf = os.path.join(self.sds_root, filename)
if os.path.isfile(outf):
return True
# If a string is returned the file will be saved in that location.
return outf
def _get_times(self, network: str, station: str) -> Tuple[
UTCDateTime, UTCDateTime]:
Return earliest and latest available time for a certain station.
:param network: network code
:type network: str
:param station: station code
:type station: str
:return: (UTCDateTime, UTCDateTime)
:rtype: tuple
dirlist = glob.glob(os.path.join(self.sds_root, '*', network, station))
dirlist2 = [
os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(i))) for i in dirlist]
# We only want the folders with years
l0 = fnmatch.filter(dirlist2, '1???')
l1 = fnmatch.filter(dirlist2, '2???')
del dirlist2
dirlist = l0 + l1
if not dirlist:
'Station %s.%s not in database' % (network, station),
return (None, None)
dirlist.sort() # sort by time
starttime = get_day_in_folder(
self.sds_root, dirlist, network, station, '*', 'start')
endtime = get_day_in_folder(
self.sds_root, dirlist, network, station, '*', 'end')
except FileNotFoundError as e:
warnings.warn(e, UserWarning)
return (None, None)
return (starttime, endtime)
def _translate_wildcards(
self, network: str, station: str,
component: str = '?', location: str = '*') -> List[List[str]]:
Look up network and station names in database, so that wildcards
can be estimated into number of stations.
:param network: network string, may contain wildcards
:type network: str
:param station: station string, may contain wildcards
:type station: str
:param component: component, i.e. Z, N, E or ? as wildcard
:type component: str
:param location: location code
:type location: str, optional
:return: nested list with non-unique network, station, location,
and channel codes
:rtype: list
# Create one nested list
path = os.path.join(self.sds_root,
network=network, station=station,
location=location, channel=f'??{component}',
year='*', sds_type=self.sds_type))
return [os.path.basename(i).split('.')[:4] for i in glob.iglob(path)]
def _load_remote(
self, network: str, station: str, location: str, channel: str,
starttime: UTCDateTime, endtime: UTCDateTime,
attach_response: bool) -> Stream:
Load data from remote resouce
print("Loading remotely.")
st = self.rclient.get_waveforms(
network, station, location, channel, starttime, endtime)
except FDSNNoDataException as e:
return Stream()
with warnings.catch_warnings():
except Warning:
print("Updating inventory.")
ninv = self.rclient.get_stations(
network=network, station=station, channel=channel,
starttime=starttime, endtime=endtime, level='response')
if attach_response:
if ((len(st) > 0) and not self.read_only):
return st
def _load_local(
self, network: str, station: str, location: str, channel: str,
starttime: UTCDateTime, endtime: UTCDateTime, attach_response: bool,
_check_times: bool) -> Stream or None:
Read data from local SDS structure.
# print("Loading locally ... ", end='')
st = self.lclient.get_waveforms(
network, station, location, channel, starttime, endtime)
except OSError:
return None
# Making sure that the order is correct for the next bit to work
if _check_times and (
len(st) == 0 or (
starttime < (st[0].stats.starttime-st[0].stats.delta) or (
endtime > st[-1].stats.endtime+st[-1].stats.delta))):
return None
if attach_response:
except Exception:
return st
[docs] def read_inventory(self) -> Inventory:
Reads an up-to-date version of the corresponding Station Inventory.
:return: Station Inventory
:rtype: Inventory
self.inventory = read_inventory(os.path.join(self.inv_dir, '*.xml'))
return self.inventory
[docs] def select_inventory_or_load_remote(
self, network: str, station: str) -> Inventory:
Checks whether the response for the provided station is in
self.inventory if not the response will be fetched from remote.
:param network: Network code
:type network: str
:param station: Station Code
:type station: str
:return: An Obspy Inventory object holding the response for the
requested station.
:rtype: Inventory
inv = self.inventory.select(network=network, station=station)
if not len(inv):
print('Station response not found ... loading from remote.')
inv = self.rclient.get_stations(
network=network, station=station,
channel='*', level='response')
return inv
def _write_local_data(self, st):
Write stream to local SDS structure.
# write the data
for tr in st:
starttime = tr.stats.starttime
while starttime < tr.stats.endtime:
endtime = UTCDateTime(
starttime.year, starttime.month, starttime.day) + 86400*1.5
endtime = UTCDateTime(endtime.year, endtime.month, endtime.day)
ttr = tr.copy().trim(starttime, endtime, nearest_sample=False)
self._sds_write(ttr, starttime.year, starttime.julday)
starttime = endtime
def _sds_write(self, tr, year, julday):
Write max 1 day long trace to SDS structure.
filename = SDS_FMTSTR.format(
network=tr.stats.network, station=tr.stats.station,
location=tr.stats.location, channel=tr.stats.channel,
year=year, doy=julday, sds_type=self.sds_type)
filename = os.path.join(self.sds_root, filename)
if os.path.exists(filename):
rst = read(filename)
if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(filename)):
rst = tr
rst.write(filename, format='MSEED')
def _write_inventory(self, ninv: Inventory):
"""write the inventory information"""
# Save inventory by station name, like this no old information
# can be deleted
if self.inventory is not None:
self.inventory += ninv
self.inventory = ninv
fname = os.path.join(
self.inv_dir, f'{ninv[0].code}.{ninv[0][0].code}.xml')
ninv.write(fname, format="STATIONXML", validate=True)
def _generate_time_windows(
self, network: str, station: str, channel: str, starttime: UTCDateTime,
endtime: UTCDateTime, increment: int = 86400) -> Iterator[Stream]:
Generates time windows with the requested increment from the requested
:param network: network code
:type network: str
:param station: station code
:type station: str
:param channel: Channel Code
:type channel: str
:param starttime: Starttime of the first window
:type starttime: UTCDateTime
:param endtime: Endtime of the last window
:type endtime: UTCDateTime
:param increment: increment and window length between the windows,
defaults to 86400
:type increment: int, optional
:yield: Stream with every window
:rtype: Iterator[Stream]
starttimes = starttime.timestamp + np.arange(
0, endtime.timestamp-starttime.timestamp, increment)
for start in starttimes:
end = UTCDateTime(start + increment)
st = self._load_local(
network, station, '*', channel, UTCDateTime(start), end,
attach_response=True, _check_times=False)
yield st
[docs] def compute_spectrogram(
self, network: str, station: str, channel: str, starttime: UTCDateTime,
endtime: UTCDateTime, win_len: int, freq_max: float = 25,
read_increment: int = 86400,
remove_response: bool = True) -> Tuple[
np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
Computes a time series of spectrograms for the requested station and
# Enter plotting function here later
.. seealso:: Use function :func:`~seismic.plot` to generate
.. note::
MPI support since version 0.4.2. Then the result is only
available on rank 0. All other ranks return None. (to save RAM)
:param network: network code
:type network: str
:param station: station code
:type station: str
:param channel: channel code
:type channel: str
:param starttime: starttime of the first window
:type starttime: UTCDateTime
:param endtime: endtime of the last window
:type endtime: UTCDateTime
:param win_len: Length of each time window in seconds
:type win_len: int
:param freq_max: Maximum frequency to compute, defaults to 25.
Also determines the Nyquist frequency.
:type freq_max: float, optional
:param read_increment: Increment to read data in - does not
influence the final result but has to be >= win_len,
defaults to 86400
:type read_increment: int, optional
:return: Frequency vector, time vector and spectrogram matrix
:rtype: Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]
if read_increment < win_len:
raise ValueError(
'read_increment must be >= win_len, got {} and {}'.format(
read_increment, win_len))
data_gen = self._generate_time_windows(
network, station, channel, starttime, endtime, read_increment)
return spct_series_welch(
data_gen, win_len, freq_max, remove_response=remove_response)
[docs]class FS_Client(object):
Request Client for reading MSEED files from file system
def __init__(self, fs='SDS_archive'):
Initialize the client
Refer to :class:`read_from_filesystem` for documentation
self.fs = fs
IDformat = ['%NET', '%net', '%STA', '%sta', '%LOC', '%loc', '%CHA', '%cha']
[docs]def read_from_filesystem(
ID: str, starttime: datetime.datetime, endtime: datetime.datetime,
fs: str = 'SDS_archive', trim: bool = True,
debug: bool = False) -> Stream:
Read data from a filesystem
Function to read miniSEED data from a given file structure by specifying
ID and time interval plus a description of the file system structure.
:param ID: seedID of the channel to read (NET.STA.LOC.CHA)
:type ID: string
:param starttime: start time
:type starttime: datetime.datetime
:param endtime: end time
:type endtime: datetime.datetime
:param fs: file structure descriptor
:type fs: list
:param trim: switch for trimming of the stream
:type trim: bool
:param debug: print debugging information
:type debug: bool
:rtype: :class:`obspy.Stream`
:return: data stream of requested data
If the switch for trimming is False the whole stream in the files is
**File structure descriptor**
fs is a list of strings or other lists indicating the elements in the
file structure. Each item of this list is translated in one level of the
directory structure. The first element is a string indicating the
base_directory. The following elements can be strings to indicate
one of the following:
- %X as defined by datetime.strftime indicating an element of t
the time. e.g. %H
- %NET: network name or %net for lower case network name
- %STA: station name or %sta for lower case
- %CHA: channel name or %cha for lower case
- %LOC: location or %loc for lower case location code
- string with out %
The format strings are replaced either with an element of the starttime
if they correspond to a datetime specifyer or with the respective part
of the seedID. A string withouta % sign is not changed. If more than one
format string is required in one directory level the need to be
separated within a sublist.
A format string for the ID can be followed by a pair of braces including
two strings that will be used to replace the first string with the
second. This can be used if the filename contains part of the ID in a
different form.
If fs is a single string it is interpreted as the base directory
'SDSdir' of a SeisComP Data Structure (SDS) with TYPE fixed to D
This usage should be equivalent to `obspy.clients.filesystem.sds` client.
Example for a station 'GJE' in network 'HEJSL' with channel 'BHZ' and
location '00' with the start time 2010-12-24_11:36:30 and
``fs = ['base_dir','%Y','%b','%NET,['%j','_','%STA'','_T_',\
"%CHA('BH','')", '.mseed']]``
will be translated in a linux filename
.. note::
If the data contain traces of different channels in the same file with
different start and endtimes the routine will not work properly when a
period spans multiple files.
# check input
assert type(starttime) is datetime.datetime, \
'starttime is not a datetime.datetime object: %s is type %s' % \
(starttime, type(starttime))
assert type(endtime) is datetime.datetime, \
'endtime is not a datetime.datetime object: %s is type %s' % \
(endtime, type(endtime))
# check if fs is a string and set fs to SDS structure
if isinstance(fs, str):
fs = [fs, '%Y', '%NET', '%STA', ['%CHA', '.D'], [
'%NET', '.', '%STA', '.', '%LOC', '.', '%CHA', '.D.', '%Y', '.',
# translate file structure string
fpattern = _current_filepattern(ID, starttime, fs)
if debug:
print('Searching for files matching: %s\n at time %s\n' %
(fpattern, starttime))
st = _read_filepattern(fpattern, starttime, endtime, trim, debug)
# if trace starts too late have a look in the previous section
if (len(st) == 0) or (
(st[0].stats.starttime-st[0].stats.delta).datetime > starttime):
fpattern, _ = _adjacent_filepattern(ID, starttime, fs, -1)
if debug:
print('Searching for files matching: %s\n at time %s\n' %
(fpattern, starttime))
st += _read_filepattern(fpattern, starttime, endtime, trim, debug)
thistime = starttime
while ((len(st) == 0) or (st[0].stats.endtime.datetime < endtime)) & (
thistime < endtime):
fpattern, thistime = _adjacent_filepattern(ID, thistime, fs, 1)
if debug:
print('Searching for files matching: %s\n at time %s\n' %
(fpattern, thistime))
if thistime == starttime:
st += _read_filepattern(fpattern, starttime, endtime, trim, debug)
if trim:
st.trim(starttime=UTCDateTime(starttime), endtime=UTCDateTime(endtime))
if debug:
print('Following IDs are in the stream: ')
for tr in st:
print('Selecting %s' % ID)
st = st.select(id=ID)
return st
def _read_filepattern(
fpattern: str, starttime: datetime.datetime, endtime: datetime.datetime,
trim: bool, debug: bool) -> Stream:
"""Read a stream from files whose names match a given pattern.
flist = glob.glob(fpattern)
starttimes = []
endtimes = []
# first only read the header information
for fname in flist:
st = read(fname, headonly=True)
# now read the stream from the files that contain the period
if debug:
print('Matching files:\n')
for (f, start, end) in zip(flist, starttimes, endtimes):
print('%s from %s to %s\n' % (f, start, end))
st = Stream()
for ind, fname in enumerate(flist):
if (starttimes[ind] < endtime) and (endtimes[ind] > starttime):
if trim:
st += read(
fname, starttime=UTCDateTime(starttime),
st += read(fname)
except Exception:
print("Error merging traces for requested period!")
st = Stream()
return st
def _adjacent_filepattern(
ID: str, starttime: datetime.datetime, fs: str,
inc: int) -> Tuple[str, datetime.datetime]:
"""Return the file name that contains the data sequence prior to the one
that contains the given time for a given file structure and ID.
:param inc: either 1 for following of -1 for previous period
:type inc: int
assert ((inc == 1) or (inc == -1)), " inc must either be 1 or -1"
fname = ''
flag = 0
# find earlier time by turning back the time by one increment of the
# last time indicator in the fs
for part in fs[-1::-1]:
if not isinstance(part, list):
part = [part]
for tpart in part[-1::-1]:
if (not ((('(' in tpart) and (')' in tpart))
or (tpart in IDformat))
and ('%' in tpart) and (flag == 0)):
flag = 1
if tpart in ['%H', '%I']:
thistime = starttime + inc * datetime.timedelta(hours=1)
elif tpart == '%p':
thistime = starttime + inc * datetime.timedelta(hours=12)
elif tpart in ['%a', '%A', '%w', '%d', '%j', '%-j']:
thistime = starttime + inc * datetime.timedelta(days=1)
elif tpart in ['%U', '%W']:
thistime = starttime + inc * datetime.timedelta(days=7)
elif tpart in ['%b', '%B', '%m']:
if starttime.month + inc == 0:
thistime = datetime.datetime(starttime.year-1,
elif starttime.month + inc == 13:
thistime = datetime.datetime(starttime.year+1,
thistime = datetime.datetime(starttime.year,
starttime.month + inc,
elif tpart in ['%y', '%Y']:
thistime = datetime.datetime(
starttime.year - inc, starttime.month, starttime.day,
starttime.hour, starttime.minute, starttime.second,
fname = _current_filepattern(ID, thistime, fs)
return fname, thistime
def _current_filepattern(
ID: str, starttime: datetime.datetime, fs: str) -> str:
"""Return the file name that contains the data sequence that contains
the given time for a given file structure and ID.
fname = ''
for part in fs:
if not isinstance(part, list):
part = [part]
fpartname = ''
for tpart in part:
fpartname += _fs_translate(tpart, ID, starttime)
fname = os.path.join(fname, fpartname)
return fname
def _fs_translate(part: str, ID: str, starttime: datetime.datetime) -> str:
"""Translate part of the file structure descriptor.
IDlist = ID.split('.')
if ('(' in part) and (')' in part):
trans = re.search('(.*?)', part).group(0)
trans = None
# in case there is something to translate remove from the filepart
if trans:
part = part.replace(trans, '')
# if there is no %-sign it is a fixed string
if '%' not in part:
res = part
# in case it belongs to the ID replace it with the respective ID-part
if part in IDformat:
idx = IDformat.index(part)
res = IDlist[int(idx/2)]
if idx % 2 != 0: # idx is odd and IDformat is lowercase
res = res.lower()
# otherwise it must be part of the date string
res = starttime.strftime(part)
# replace if nesseccary
if trans:
transl = trans[1:-1].split(',')
assert len(transl) == 2, "%s is not valid for replacement" % trans
res = res.replace(
transl[0].replace("'", ""), transl[1].replace("'", ""))
return res
[docs]def get_day_in_folder(
root: str, dirlist: List[str], network: str, station: str,
channel: str, type: str) -> UTCDateTime:
Assuming that mseed files are by day (i.e., one file per day), this
function will return the earliest or the latest day available (depending
upon the argument passed as ``type``).
:param root: The path to the sds root folder
:type root: str
:param dirlist: alphabetically sorted list of available years
:type dirlist: List[str]
:param network: The queried network code
:type network: str
:param station: The queried station code
:type station: str
:param channel: The queried channel code (wildcards allowed)
:type channel: str
:param type: either ``start`` or ``end``
:type type: str
:raises NotImplementedError: Unknown argument for type
:raises FileNotFoundError: No files in db
:return: The earliest starttime or latest endtime in utc
:rtype: UTCDateTime
if type == 'start':
i0 = 0
ii = 1
elif type == 'end':
i0 = -1
ii = -1
raise NotImplementedError('Type has to be either start or end.')
julday = None
while not julday:
# if the folder is empty julday will stay False
year = dirlist[i0]
julday = [i.split('.')[-1] for i in glob.glob(
os.path.join(root, year, network, station, channel, '*'))]
i0 += ii
if not julday:
raise FileNotFoundError(
'Station %s.%s not in database' % (network, station))
# make sure that 200 comes after 3, but before 300
julday.sort(key=lambda li: (len(li), li))
if type == 'start':
return UTCDateTime(year=int(year), julday=julday[0])
if type == 'end':
# +24*3600 because else it's the starttime of latest day
return UTCDateTime(year=int(year), julday=int(julday[-1])) + 24*3600