Source code for seismic.monitor.spatial

Spatial imaging by means of a Boltzmann-equation-based sensitivity kernel
(see Obermann et al., 2013 and Paasschens, 1997)

Implementation here is just for the 2D case

   The SeisMIC development team (
   Peter Makus (

Created: Monday, 16th January 2023 10:53:31 am
Last Modified: Tuesday, 5th March 2024 03:03:01 pm
from typing import Tuple, Optional, Iterator, Iterable, List
import warnings
import os

import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from obspy.geodetics.base import locations2degrees as loc2deg
from obspy.geodetics.base import degrees2kilometers as deg2km
from obspy import UTCDateTime

from seismic.monitor.dv import DV

[docs]def probability( dist: np.ndarray | float, t: np.ndarray | float, vel: float, mf_path: float, atol: float) -> np.ndarray | float: """ Compute the probability for a wave with the given properties to pass through a point at distance `dist`. Following the diffusion law. Implementation as in Obermann et al. (2013). :param dist: distance to the source. Can be a matrix. :type dist: np.ndarray | float :param t: time :type t: float or 1D numpy array :param vel: velocity for homogeneous velocities :type vel: float :param mf_path: Mean free path of the wave. :type mf_path: float :return: The probability. In the same shape as ``dist``. :rtype: np.ndarray | float """ if np.any(dist < 0): raise ValueError('Distances cannot be < 0.') # Numpy float precision can be a problem if comparing to 0 if np.any(t < -atol/vel): raise ValueError('t has to be >= 0') # if t is an array and dist is a 2D array, create a 3D output # by broacasting t onto a 3D array of shape (dist.shape[0], dist.shape[1], # t.shape[0]) if isinstance(t, np.ndarray): t = t[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore') # there will be loads of runtimeerrors because of inf and nan values coherent = np.nan_to_num( np.exp(-vel*t/mf_path)/(2*np.pi*dist), nan=0, posinf=1, neginf=np.nan) coherent *= np.isclose(dist, vel*t, atol=atol) a = 2*np.pi*mf_path*vel*t*np.sqrt(1 - dist**2/(vel*t)**2) b = (np.sqrt((vel*t)**2-dist**2) - vel*t)/mf_path # Sensitivity is zero where nan and 1 if infinite # (station coords coincide with grid coordinates) coda = np.nan_to_num(np.exp(b)/a) coda *= np.heaviside(vel*t-dist-atol, 0) prob = coherent + coda return prob
[docs]def compute_grid_dist( x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, x0: float, y0: float) -> np.ndarray: """ Compute the distance of each point on the grid x, y to x0, y0. (2D) :param x: X coordinate axis :type x: np.ndarray :param y: y coordiante axis :type y: np.ndarray :param x0: x-position of point :type x0: float :param y0: y-position of point :type y0: float :return: distance matrix in form of a 2D matrix. :rtype: np.ndarray """ X, Y = np.meshgrid(x-x0, y-y0) d = np.sqrt(X**2 + Y**2) return d
[docs]def sensitivity_kernel( s1: np.ndarray, s2: np.ndarray, x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, t: float, dt: float, vel: float, mf_path: float) -> np.ndarray: """ Computes a 2D surface-wave sensitivity kernel for an ambient noise cross-correlation between two station ``s1`` and ``s2``. The computation is based on a time-dependendent solution of the Boltzmann equation for a homogeneous medium (see Obermann et al., 2013 and Paasschens, 1997). Implementation as in Obermann et al. (2013). Limits for nan and inf will return 0, or 1 respectively. .. note:: A large ``dt`` can lead to artefacts in the kernel. ``dt`` should always be smaller than dx/(2*vel). :param s1: Position of Station 1, format is [x, y]. :type s1: np.ndarray :param s2: Position of Station 2, format is [x, y]. :type s2: np.ndarray :param x: Monotonously increasing array holding the x-coordinates of the grid the kernel should be computed on. :type x: np.ndarray :param y: Monotonously increasing array holding the y-coordinates of the grid the kernel should be computed on. :type y: np.ndarray :param t: Time of coda that is probed. Usually set as the middle of the used time window :type t: float :param dt: Sampling interval that the probability will be computed in. Note that dt should not be too large. Otherwise, numerical artefacts can occur. :type dt: float :param vel: Surface wave velocity. Note that units between coordinate grid and velocity have to be consistent (i.e., km/s and km or m and m/s) :type vel: float :param mf_path: Mean free path of the wave (see Obermann et al. 2013 for details) :type mf_path: float :return: The sensitivity_kernel of the grid. Can be plotted against.\ np.meshgrid(x, y) :rtype: np.ndarray """ atol = vel*dt/2 if dt <= 0: raise ValueError('dt has to be greater than 0.') if np.any(np.diff(x) != x[1]-x[0]) or np.any(np.diff(y) != y[1]-y[0]): raise ValueError('x and y have to be monotonously increasing arrays.') if x[1]-x[0] < 2*vel*dt: warnings.warn( 'dt is too large for the grid spacing. This can lead to ' 'artefacts in the kernel. dt should be smaller than ' 'dx/(2*vel).') T = np.arange(0, t + dt, dt) dist_s1_s2 = np.linalg.norm(s1-s2) denom = probability(dist_s1_s2, t, vel, mf_path, atol=atol) dist_s1_x0 = compute_grid_dist(x, y, s1[0], s1[1]) if denom == 0: return np.zeros_like(dist_s1_x0) dist_s2_x0 = compute_grid_dist(x, y, s2[0], s2[1]) nom = np.trapz( [probability( dist_s1_x0, tt, vel, mf_path, atol=atol) * probability( dist_s2_x0, t-tt, vel, mf_path, atol=atol) for tt in T], dx=dt, axis=0) K = nom/denom return K
[docs]def data_variance( corr: np.ndarray | float, bandwidth: float, tw: Tuple[float, float], freq_c: float) -> np.ndarray | float: """ Compute the variance of the velocity change data based on the coherence value between stretched reference trace and correlation function. (see Obermann et. al. 2013) :param corr: coherence :type corr: np.ndarray | float :param bandwidth: Bandwidth between low and highpass filter :type bandwidth: float :param tw: Time Window used for the dv/v computation. In the form Tuple[tw_start, tw_end] :type tw: Tuple[float, float] :param freq_c: Centre frequency. :type freq_c: float :return: Data Variance in the same shape as corr :rtype: np.ndarray | float """ if tw[0] < 0 or tw[1] < 0: raise ValueError('Lapse time values have to be greater than 0s.') if tw[0] >= tw[1]: raise ValueError( 'Lapse time values have to be in the form ' 'Tuple[tw_start, tw_end] with tw_start < tw_end.') if bandwidth <= 0: raise ValueError('The bandwidth has to be > 0 Hz.') if freq_c <= 0: raise ValueError('The centre frequeny has to be > 0 Hz.') T = 1/bandwidth p1 = np.sqrt(1-corr**2)/(2*corr) nom = 6*np.sqrt(np.pi/2)*T denom = (2*np.pi*freq_c)**2*(tw[1]**3-tw[0]**3) p2 = np.sqrt(nom/denom) return p1*p2
[docs]def compute_cm( scaling_factor: float, corr_len: float, std_model: float, dist: np.ndarray | float) -> np.ndarray | float: """ Computes the model variance for the dv/v grid. (see Obermann et. al. 2013) :param scaling_factor: Scaling factor, dependent on the cell length. (e.g., 1*cell_length) :type scaling_factor: float :param corr_len: Length over which the parameters are related (high value means stronger smoothing). :type corr_len: float :param std_model: A-priori standard deviation of the model. Corresponds to the best agreement between 1) the stability of the model for the velocity variations and 2) the minimised difference between the model predictions (output of the forward problem) and the data. Can be estimated via the L-curve criterion (see Hansen 1992) :type std_model: float :param dist: Matrix containing distance between the two cells i and j. Will always be 0 on the diagonal where i==j. :type dist: np.ndarray :return: Returns the model variance in the same shape as dist. I.e., NxN where N is the number of station combinations. :rtype: np.ndarray """ p1 = (std_model*scaling_factor/corr_len)**2 smooth = np.exp(-dist/corr_len) return p1*smooth
[docs]def geo2cart( lat: np.ndarray | float, lon: np.ndarray | float, lat0: float, lon0: float) -> Tuple[ np.ndarray | float, np.ndarray | float]: """ Convert geographic coordinates to Northing and Easting for a local grid. .. seealso:: :param lat: Latitude(s) :type lat: np.ndarray | float :param lon: Longitude(s) :type lon: np.ndarray | float :param lat0: Latitude of the lower left corner of the grid :type lat0: float :param lon0: Latitude of the lower left corner of the grid :type lon0: float :return: A tuple holding (Easting, Northing) in km and in the same shape as ``lat`` and ``lon``. :rtype: Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray] """ if np.any(lat < lat0) or np.any(lon < lon0): raise ValueError( 'Latitude and longitude have to be greater or equal than the ' 'lower left corner of the grid.') # Northing y = deg2km(lat-lat0) # easting x = deg2km(loc2deg(lat0, lon, lat0, lon0)) return x, y
[docs]class DVGrid(object): """ Object to handle spatially gridded DV objects. """ def __init__( self, lat0: float, lon0: float, res: float, x: float, y: float, dt: float, vel: float, mf_path: float): """ Initialises the grid to compute dv/v on. The grid will be in Cartesian coordinates with the lower left boarder (lon0, lat0) as reference point. :param lat0: Minimum latitude on the grid. :type lat0: float :param lon0: Minimum longitude on the grid :type lon0: float :param res: Resolution in km :type res: float :param x: Eastwards extent of the grid in km :type x: float :param y: Northwards extent of the grid in km :type y: float :param dt: Sampling interval for the numerical integration of the sensitivity kernels. Coarse spacing might cause artefacts. Fine spacing will result in higher computation times. :type dt: float :param vel: Wave velocity :type vel: float :param mf_path: Mean free path of a wave :type mf_path: float """ self.lat0 = lat0 self.lon0 = lon0 # Compute local grid x0, y0 = 0, 0 self.xaxis = np.arange(x0, x0 + x + res, res) self.yaxis = np.arange(y0, y0 + y + res, res) self.res = res self.xgrid, self.ygrid = np.meshgrid(self.xaxis, self.yaxis) self.xf = self.xgrid.flatten() self.yf = self.ygrid.flatten() self.dist = None self.dt = dt self.vel = vel self.mf_path = mf_path # skernels is a dictionary holding the sensitivity kernels for each # station pair. The key is a tuple of the station coordinates # in cartesian coordinates and the lapse time in the coda # (x0, y0, x1, y1, tau) self.skernels = dict()
[docs] def forward_model( self, dv_grid: np.ndarray, dvs: Optional[Iterable[DV]] = None, utc: Optional[UTCDateTime] = None, tw: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None, stat0: Optional[Iterable[Tuple[float, float]]] = None, stat1: Optional[Iterable[Tuple[float, float]]] = None, verbose: bool = False) -> np.ndarray: """ Solves the forward problem associated to the grid computation. I.e., computes the velocity changes theoretically measured at each station for a given dv/v grid. :param dv_grid: dv/v grid. Must have the same shape as self.xgrid :type dv_grid: np.ndarray :param dvs: Iterator over :class:`~seismic.monitor.dv.DV` to extract the parameters from. If this is defined ``utc`` has to be defined as well. If it's None all other parameters have to be defined, defaults to None :type dvs: Optional[Iterable[DV]], optional :param utc: The time to extract the properties from the dv files from, defaults to None :type utc: Optional[UTCDateTime], optional :param tw: Lapse time Window used for the dv/v estimation, defaults to None :type tw: Optional[Tuple[float, float]], optional :param stat0: Coordinates of the first station of the cross-correlation. Given as an array with the form: [(latitude0, longitude0), (latitude1, longitude1), ...], defaults to None. :type stat0: Optional[Iterable[Tuple[float, float]]], optional :param stat1: Coordinates of the second station of the cross-correlation. Given as an array with the form: [(latitude0, longitude0), (latitude1, longitude1), ...], defaults to None., defaults to None :type stat1: Optional[Iterable[Tuple[float, float]]], optional :raises TypeError: If too few variables are defined :return: A vector with one dv/v value for each station combination in the stat0-stat1 vectors. :rtype: np.ndarray """ if dv_grid.shape != self.xgrid.shape: raise ValueError( 'Modelled dvgrid must have same shape as self.') if stat0 is not None and stat1 is not None and tw is not None: slat0, slon0 = np.array(list(zip(*stat0))) slat1, slon1 = np.array(list(zip(*stat1))) twe = None elif dvs is not None and utc is not None: _, _, slat0, slon0, slat1, slon1, twe, _, _\ = self._extract_info_dvs(dvs, utc, verbose) else: raise TypeError( 'Define either dv and utc or all other arguments.' ) tw = tw or twe G = self._compute_sensitivity_kernels( slat0, slon0, slat1, slon1, (tw[0]+tw[1])/2) return, dv_grid.flatten())
[docs] def compute_dv_grid( self, dvs: Iterator[DV], utc: UTCDateTime, scaling_factor: float, corr_len: float, std_model: float, tw: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None, freq0: Optional[float] = None, freq1: Optional[float] = None, compute_resolution: bool = False, verbose: bool = False) -> np.ndarray: """ Perform a linear least-squares inversion of station specific velocity changes (dv/v) at time ``t``. The algorithm will perform the following steps: 1. Computes the sensitivity kernels for each station pair. 2. Computes model and data variance. 3. Inverts the velocity changes onto a flattened grid. .. note:: All computations are performed on a flattened grid, so that the grid is actually just one-dimensional. The return value is reshaped onto the shape of self.xgrid. .. note:: The returned value and the value in self.vel_change is strictly speaking not a velocity change, but an epsilon value. That corresponds to -dv/v :param dvs: The :class:``~seismic.monitor.dv.DV`` objects to use. Note that the input can be an iterator, so that not actually all dvs have to be loaded into RAM at the same time. :type dvs: Iterator[DV] :param utc: Time at which the velocity changes should be inverted. Has to be covered by the ``DV`` objects. :type utc: UTCDateTime :param scaling_factor: Scaling factor, dependent on the cell length. (e.g., 1*cell_length) :type scaling_factor: float :param corr_len: Length over which the parameters are related (high value means stronger smoothing). :type corr_len: float :param std_model: A-priori standard deviation of the model. Corresponds to the best agreement between 1) the stability of the model for the velocity variations and 2) the minimised difference between the model predictions (output of the forward problem) and the data. Can be estimated via the L-curve criterion (see Hansen 1992) :type std_model: float :param tw: Time window used to evaluate the velocity changes. Given in the form Tuple[tw_start, tw_end]. Not required if the used dvs have a ``dv_processing`` attribute. :type tw: Tuple[float, float], optional :param freq0: high-pass frequency of the used bandpass filter. Not required if the used dvs have a ``dv_processing`` attribute. :type freq0: float, optional :param freq1: low-pass frequency of the used bandpass filter. Not required the used dvs have a ``dv_processing`` attribute. :type freq1: float, optional :param compute_resolution: Compute the resolution matrix? Will be saved in self.resolution :type compute_resolution: bool, defaults to False :raises ValueError: For times that are not covered by the dvs time-series. :return: The dv-grid (with corresponding coordinates in self.xgrid and self.ygrid or self.xaxis and self.yaxis, respectively). Note this is actually an epsilon grid (meaning it represents the stretch value i.e., -dv/v) :rtype: np.ndarray """ vals, corrs, slat0, slon0, slat1, slon1, twe, freq0e, freq1e\ = self._extract_info_dvs(dvs, utc, verbose) tw = tw or twe freq0 = freq0 or freq0e freq1 = freq1 or freq1e if None in [freq0, freq1, tw]: raise AttributeError( 'The arguments freq0, freq1, and tw have to be defined if ' 'dv does not have the attribute "dv_processing".' ) skernels = self._compute_sensitivity_kernels( slat0, slon0, slat1, slon1, (tw[0]+tw[1])/2) dist = self._compute_dist_matrix() # Model variance, smoothed diagonal matrix cm = compute_cm(scaling_factor, corr_len, std_model, dist) # Data variance, diagonal matrix cd = self._compute_cd(skernels, freq0, freq1, tw, corrs) # Linear Least-Squares Inversion a =, skernels.T) b = np.linalg.inv(, cm), skernels.T) + cd) c = np.array(vals) m =, b), c) # m is the flattened array, reshape onto grid self.vel_change = m.reshape(self.xgrid.shape) if compute_resolution: self.resolution = self._compute_resolution(skernels, a, b) return self.vel_change
[docs] def compute_dv_tsvd( self, dvs: Iterator[DV], utc: UTCDateTime, tw: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None, freq0: Optional[float] = None, freq1: Optional[float] = None, cutoff: float = .2, verbose: bool = False) -> np.ndarray: """ Performs a truncated singular value decomposition (TSVD) to invert for the dv/v grid. The advantage of this approach is that no a-priori information and no subjective damping parameter has to be defined. However, the disadvantage is that the inversion is not aware of the data variance (defined by the correlation coefficient). This can be a useful approach for dv estimates with a very high stability. The algorithm will perform the following steps: 1. Computes the sensitivity kernels for each station pair. 2. Computes model and data variance. 3. Inverts the velocity changes onto a flattened grid. .. note:: All computations are performed on a flattened grid, so that the grid is actually just one-dimensional. The return value is reshaped onto the shape of self.xgrid. .. note:: The returned value and the value in self.vel_change is strictly speaking not a velocity change, but an epsilon value. That corresponds to -dv/v .. warning:: This has not been thoroughly tested and has the disadvantage that no "physical" prior weighting is done (as opposed to the linear-least-squares method), where data weighting is performed based on the coherence values. :param dvs: The :class:``~seismic.monitor.dv.DV`` objects to use. Note that the input can be an iterator, so that not actually all dvs have to be loaded into RAM at the same time. :type dvs: Iterator[DV] :param utc: Time at which the velocity changes should be inverted. Has to be covered by the ``DV`` objects. :type utc: UTCDateTime :param tw: Time window used to evaluate the velocity changes. Given in the form Tuple[tw_start, tw_end]. Not required if the used dvs have a ``dv_processing`` attribute. :type tw: Tuple[float, float], optional :param freq0: high-pass frequency of the used bandpass filter. Not required if the used dvs have a ``dv_processing`` attribute. :type freq0: float, optional :param freq1: low-pass frequency of the used bandpass filter. Not required the used dvs have a ``dv_processing`` attribute. :type freq1: float, optional :param compute_resolution: Compute the resolution matrix? Will be saved in self.resolution :type compute_resolution: bool, defaults to False :param cutoff: Cutoff value for the singular values. All singular values below this fraction of the maximum singular value will be set to 0. :raises ValueError: For times that are not covered by the dvs time-series. :return: The dv-grid (with corresponding coordinates in self.xgrid and self.ygrid or self.xaxis and self.yaxis, respectively). Note this is actually an epsilon grid (meaning it represents the stretch value i.e., -dv/v) :rtype: np.ndarray """ vals, corrs, slat0, slon0, slat1, slon1, twe, freq0e, freq1e\ = self._extract_info_dvs(dvs, utc, verbose) tw = tw or twe freq0 = freq0 or freq0e freq1 = freq1 or freq1e if None in [freq0, freq1, tw]: raise AttributeError( 'The arguments freq0, freq1, and tw have to be defined if ' 'dv does not have the attribute "dv_processing".' ) skernels = self._compute_sensitivity_kernels( slat0, slon0, slat1, slon1, (tw[0]+tw[1])/2) G_inv = np.linalg.pinv( skernels, rcond=cutoff) # Compute the model m =, vals) # m is the flattened array, reshape onto grid self.vel_change = m.reshape(self.xgrid.shape) return self.vel_change
[docs] def compute_resolution( self, dvs: Iterable[DV], utc: UTCDateTime, scaling_factor: float, corr_len: float, std_model: float, tw: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None, freq0: Optional[float] = None, freq1: Optional[float] = None, verbose: bool = False) -> np.ndarray: """ Compute the model resolution of the dv/v model. .. seealso:: Described in the supplement to Obermann (2013) .. note:: Note that it's significantly faster to perform a joint inversion or a gridded dv/v and resolution rather than performing them separately. :param dvs: The :class:``~seismic.monitor.dv.DV`` objects to use. Note that the input can be an iterator, so that not actually all dvs have to be loaded into RAM at the same time. :type dvs: Iterator[DV] :param utc: Time at which the velocity changes should be inverted. Has to be covered by the ``DV`` objects. :type utc: UTCDateTime :param scaling_factor: Scaling factor, dependent on the cell length. (e.g., 1*cell_length) :type scaling_factor: float :param corr_len: Length over which the parameters are related (high value means stronger smoothing). :type corr_len: float :param std_model: A-priori standard deviation of the model. Corresponds to the best agreement between 1) the stability of the model for the velocity variations and 2) the minimised difference between the model predictions (output of the forward problem) and the data. Can be estimated via the L-curve criterion (see Hansen 1992) :type std_model: float :param tw: Time window used to evaluate the velocity changes. Given in the form Tuple[tw_start, tw_end]. Not required if dv has attribute ``dv_processing``. :type tw: Tuple[float, float], optional :param freq0: high-pass frequency of the used bandpass filter. Not required if dv has attribute ``dv_processing``. :type freq0: float, optional :param freq1: low-pass frequency of the used bandpass filter. Not required if dv has attribute ``dv_processing``. :type freq1: float, optional :raises ValueError: For times that are not covered by the dvs time-series. :return: A gridded resolution matrix. :rtype: np.ndarray """ cm = compute_cm( scaling_factor, corr_len, std_model, self._compute_dist_matrix()) _, corrs, slat0, slon0, slat1, slon1, twe, freq0e, freq1e\ = self._extract_info_dvs(dvs, utc, verbose) freq0 = freq0 or freq0e freq1 = freq1 or freq1e tw = tw or twe if None in [freq0, freq1, tw]: raise AttributeError( 'The arguments freq0, freq1, and tw have to be defined if ' 'dv does not have the attribute "dv_processing".' ) skernels = self._compute_sensitivity_kernels( slat0, slon0, slat1, slon1, (tw[0]+tw[1])/2) cd = self._compute_cd(skernels, freq0, freq1, tw, corrs) # The actual inversion for the resolution a =, skernels.T) b = np.linalg.inv(, cm), skernels.T) + cd) self.resolution = self._compute_resolution(skernels, a, b) return self.resolution
[docs] def compute_posterior_covariance( self, dvs: Iterable[DV], utc: UTCDateTime, scaling_factor: float, corr_len: float, std_model: float, tw: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None, freq0: Optional[float] = None, freq1: Optional[float] = None, verbose: bool = False) -> np.ndarray: """ Computes the posterior covariance matrix of the dv/v model. :param dvs: The :class:``~seismic.monitor.dv.DV`` objects to use. Note that the input can be an iterator, so that not actually all dvs have to be loaded into RAM at the same time. :type dvs: Iterator[DV] :param utc: Time at which the velocity changes should be inverted. Has to be covered by the ``DV`` objects. :type utc: UTCDateTime :param scaling_factor: Scaling factor, dependent on the cell length. (e.g., 1*cell_length) :type scaling_factor: float :param corr_len: Length over which the parameters are related (high value means stronger smoothing). :type corr_len: float :param std_model: A-priori standard deviation of the model. Corresponds to the best agreement between 1) the stability of the model for the velocity variations and 2) the minimised difference between the model predictions (output of the forward problem) and the data. Can be estimated via the L-curve criterion (see Hansen 1992) :type std_model: float :param tw: Time window used to evaluate the velocity changes. Given in the form Tuple[tw_start, tw_end]. Not required if dv has attribute ``dv_processing``. :type tw: Tuple[float, float], optional :param freq0: high-pass frequency of the used bandpass filter. Not required if dv has attribute ``dv_processing``. :type freq0: float, optional :param freq1: low-pass frequency of the used bandpass filter. Not required if dv has attribute ``dv_processing``. :type freq1: float, optional :raises ValueError: For times that are not covered by the dvs time-series. :return: A gridded resolution matrix. :rtype: np.ndarray """ cm = compute_cm( scaling_factor, corr_len, std_model, self._compute_dist_matrix()) _, corrs, slat0, slon0, slat1, slon1, twe, freq0e, freq1e\ = self._extract_info_dvs(dvs, utc, verbose) freq0 = freq0 or freq0e freq1 = freq1 or freq1e tw = tw or twe if None in [freq0, freq1, tw]: raise AttributeError( 'The arguments freq0, freq1, and tw have to be defined if ' 'dv does not have the attribute "dv_processing".' ) skernels = self._compute_sensitivity_kernels( slat0, slon0, slat1, slon1, (tw[0]+tw[1])/2) cd = self._compute_cd(skernels, freq0, freq1, tw, corrs) return self._compute_posterior_covariance(skernels, cm, cd)
def _compute_posterior_covariance( self, skernels: np.ndarray, cm: np.ndarray, cd: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Compute the posterior covariance matrix. """ a =, np.linalg.inv(cd)), skernels) return np.linalg.inv(a + np.linalg.inv(cm)) def _compute_resolution( self, skernels: np.ndarray, a: np.ndarray, b: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ The actual computation of the model resolution. """ res = np.sum(, b), skernels), axis=-1) self.resolution = res.reshape(self.xgrid.shape) return self.resolution def _extract_info_dvs( self, dvs: Iterable[DV], utc: UTCDateTime, verbose: bool) -> Tuple[ np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, Tuple[float, float], float, float]: """ Extract the reqired infos from a iterator over dv. :param dvs: station-specific dvs to be used for the inversion :type dvs: Iterable[DV] :param utc: Time to perform the inversion for :type utc: UTCDateTime :raises ValueError: if ``utc`` is not covered by dvs :return: dv/v estimates, coherency values, latituds_stat1, longitudes_stat1, latitudes_stat2, longitudes_stat2. All specific for time ``utc`` :rtype: Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray] """ vals, corrs, slat0, slon0, slat1, slon1 = [], [], [], [], [], [] for dv in dvs: if utc < dv.stats.corr_start[0] or utc > dv.stats.corr_end[-1]: if verbose: warnings.warn( f'Time {utc} is outside of the dv time-series' f' {}' ) continue ii = np.argmin(abs(np.array(dv.stats.corr_start)-utc)) val = dv.value[ii] corr = dv.corr[ii] if np.isnan(val) or np.isnan(corr) or corr <= 1e-3 or corr >= 1: # No value continue vals.append(val) corrs.append(corr) slat0.append(dv.stats.stla) slon0.append(dv.stats.stlo) slat1.append(dv.stats.evla) slon1.append(dv.stats.evlo) processing = dv.dv_processing if not len(vals): raise IndexError( f'None of the given dvs have available data at {utc}.') slat0 = np.array(slat0) slon0 = np.array(slon0) self._add_stations(slat0, slon0) slat1 = np.array(slat1) slon1 = np.array(slon1) self._add_stations(slat1, slon1) vals = np.array(vals) corrs = np.array(corrs) if processing is not None: tw = ( processing['tw_start'], processing['tw_start'] + processing['tw_len']) freq0 = processing['freq_min'] freq1 = processing['freq_max'] else: tw = None freq0 = None freq1 = None return vals, corrs, slat0, slon0, slat1, slon1, tw, freq0, freq1 def _add_stations(self, lats: Iterable[float], lons: Iterable[float]): """ Add Coordinates of the stations to self (coordinates are converted from geographic coordinates to northing and easting). :param lats: Station Latitudes :type lats: Iterable[float] :param lons: Station Longitudes :type lons: Iterable[float] """ x, y = geo2cart(np.array(lats), np.array(lons), self.lat0, self.lon0) if hasattr(self, 'statx'): self.statx = np.hstack((self.statx, x)) self.staty = np.hstack((self.staty, y)) self.statlon = np.hstack((self.statlon, lons)) self.statlat = np.hstack((self.statlat, lats)) else: self.statx = np.array(x) self.staty = np.array(y) self.statlon = np.array(lons) self.statlat = np.array(lats) # make sure there are no duplicates coords = [(x, y) for x, y in zip(self.statx, self.staty)] coords = list(set(coords)) self.statx, self.staty = zip(*coords) self.statx = np.array(self.statx) self.staty = np.array(self.staty) # no duplicates for lat/lon coords = [(lat, lon) for lat, lon in zip(self.statlat, self.statlon)] coords = list(set(coords)) self.statlat, self.statlon = zip(*coords) self.statlat = np.array(self.statlat) self.statlon = np.array(self.statlon) def _compute_cd( self, skernels: np.ndarray, freq0: float, freq1: float, tw: Tuple[float, float], corrs: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Compute the Variance of the data (in matrix form). :param skernels: Sensitivity kernel matrix :type skernels: np.ndarray :param freq0: highpass frequency [Hz] :type freq0: float :param freq1: lowpass frequency [Hz] :type freq1: float :param tw: lapse time window used to determine dv/v, in the form Tuple[tw_start, tw_end] :type tw: Tuple[float, float] :param corrs: Coherency values. :type corrs: np.ndarray :return: A diagonal matrix describing the data variance. :rtype: np.ndarray """ return np.eye(len(skernels))*data_variance( np.array(corrs), freq1-freq0, tw, (freq1+freq0)/2)**2 def _compute_dist_matrix(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Computes the distance from each cell to one another. :return: 2D matrix holding distances between cells i and j. :rtype: np.ndarray """ if self.dist is not None: return self.dist self.dist = np.zeros((len(self.xf), len(self.xf))) for ii, (xx, yy) in enumerate(zip(self.xf, self.yf)): self.dist[ii, :] = np.sqrt((self.xf-xx)**2+(self.yf-yy)**2) return self.dist def _find_coord( self, lat: float | np.ndarray, lon: float | np.ndarray) -> int | np.ndarray: """ Finds a coordinate given in lat, lon on the Cartesian grid and return its index ..note:: The grid is flattened, so only one index i is returned per lat/lon combination :param lat: Latitude(s) of the points to determine :type lat: float | np.ndarray :param lon: Longitude(s) of the points to determine :type lon: float | np.ndarray :return: The indices of the points. Will have the same length as lat/lon (note that either of the two can be a floating point number). :rtype: int | np.ndarray """ # Find northing and easting of coordinates x, y = geo2cart(lat, lon, self.lat0, self.lon0) if not isinstance(x, np.ndarray): if np.all(abs(self.xf-x) > self.res) \ or np.all(abs(self.yf-y > self.res)): raise ValueError( 'The point is outside the coordinate grid' ) return np.argmin(abs(self.xf-x)**2+abs(self.yf-y)**2) if np.all(np.array([abs(self.xf-xx) for xx in x]) > self.res)\ or np.all(np.array([abs(self.yf-yy) for yy in y]) > self.res): raise ValueError( 'The point is outside the coordinate grid' ) ii = np.array( [np.argmin( abs(self.xf-xx)**2+abs(self.yf-yy)**2) for xx, yy in zip( x, y)]) return ii def _compute_sensitivity_kernels( self, slat0: np.ndarray, slon0: np.ndarray, slat1: np.ndarray, slon1: np.ndarray, t: float) -> np.ndarray: """ Computes the sensitivity kernels of the station combinations station0 and station1. .. note:: Station0 and station1 may be identical. Then, the output corresponds to the sensitivity kernel of an auto or self correlation. .. note:: Handles computations for several dv objects, so the station coordinates can be 1D arrays. .. warning:: Low values for ``dt`` can produce artefacts. Very high values lead to a drastically increased computational cost. :param slat0: Latitude of the first station. :type slat0: np.ndarray :param slon0: Longitude of the first station :type slon0: np.ndarray :param slat1: Latitude of the second station. :type slat1: np.ndarray :param slon1: Longitude of the second station. :type slon1: np.ndarray :param t: Midpoint of the time lapse window used to evaluate dv/v. :type t: float :return: Weighted matrix holding the sensitivity kernel for station i on grid j :rtype: np.ndarray """ x0, y0 = geo2cart(slat0, slon0, self.lat0, self.lon0) x1, y1 = geo2cart(slat1, slon1, self.lat0, self.lon0) skernels = [] for xx0, yy0, xx1, yy1 in zip(x0, y0, x1, y1): # Check if skernel was already computed in a previous iteration if (xx0, yy0, xx1, yy1, t) in self.skernels: skernels.append(self.skernels[(xx0, yy0, xx1, yy1, t)]) continue # Station coordinates in cartesian s1 = np.array([xx0, yy0]) s2 = np.array([xx1, yy1]) sk = sensitivity_kernel( s1, s2, self.xaxis, self.yaxis, t, self.dt, self.vel, self.mf_path) skernels.append(self.res**2/t * sk.flatten()) self.skernels[(xx0, yy0, xx1, yy1, t)] = skernels[-1] return np.array(skernels)
[docs] def plot( self, plot_stations: bool = True, cmap: str = 'seismic_r', ax: Optional[mpl.axis.Axis] = None, *args, **kwargs) -> mpl.axis.Axis: """ Simple heatplot of the dv/v grid in Cartesian coordinates. :param plot_stations: plot station coordinates, defaults to True :type plot_stations: bool, optional :param cmap: Colormap to use, defaults to 'seismic' :type cmap: str, optional :param ax: Axis to plot into, defaults to None :type ax: Optional[mpl.axis.Axis], optional :return: Returns the axis handle :rtype: mpl.axis.Axis """ if not ax: plt.figure() ax = plt.gca() norm = mpl.colors.TwoSlopeNorm(vcenter=0) map = ax.imshow( -100*np.flipud(self.vel_change), interpolation='none', extent=[ self.xaxis.min(), self.xaxis.max(), self.yaxis.min(), self.yaxis.max()], cmap=cmap, zorder=0, norm=norm, *args, **kwargs) if plot_stations: ax.scatter( self.statx, self.staty, marker='v', c='k', edgecolors='white', s=30) plt.colorbar( map, label=r'$\frac{dv}{v}$ [%]', orientation='horizontal') plt.xlabel('Easting [km]') plt.ylabel('Northing [km]') return ax
[docs] def align_dvs_to_grid( self, dvs: List[DV], utc: UTCDateTime, steps: int, corr_thres: float, save: bool | str = False) -> List[DV]: """ Align dv/v curves to the forward model at a given time. :param dvs: List of dv/v objects to align :type dvs: List[DV] :param utc: Time at which the dv/v curve should be aligned :type utc: UTCDateTime :param steps: Number of steps to use for the alignment :type steps: int :param corr_thres: Correlation threshold :type corr_thres: float :param save: If given, save the aligned dv/v curves to the given directory. Defaults to False. :type save: bool | str, optional :return: List of dv/v curves that have been aligned :rtype: List[DV] """ # identifiy the dvs that have already been shifted earlier # and remove them from the list dvs = [ dv for dv in dvs if dv.dv_processing.get('aligned', False) is False] # 1. identify the dv/v curves that are available at the given time dvs = [dv for dv in dvs if dv_starts(dv, utc, corr_thres)] if not len(dvs): return dvs # Compute the foward value at each of the remaining dvs if hasattr(self, 'vel_change'): shifts = self.forward_model(self.vel_change, dvs, utc) if np.any(np.isnan(shifts)): raise ValueError( 'The forward model returned nan values. why?' f'utc: {utc}') else: shifts = np.zeros(len(dvs)) # Align the dv/v curves to the forward model for dv, shift in zip(dvs, shifts): align_dv_curves(dv, utc, steps, shift) if save:, f'DV-{}.npz')) return dvs
[docs]def align_dv_curves( dv: DV, utc: UTCDateTime, steps: int, value: float = 0.): """ Align a dv/v curve to a given value at a given time. :param dv: dv/v object to align :type dv: DV :param utc: Time at which the dv/v curve should be aligned :type utc: UTCDateTime :param steps: Number of steps to use for the alignment :type steps: int :param value: Value to align the dv/v curve to, defaults to 0. :type value: float, optional """ ii = np.argmin(abs(np.array(dv.stats.corr_start)-utc)) # to make it more stable we use the mean of the values around the # given time # this is a problem if ii is close to the beginning or end of the # dv time-series if np.all(np.isnan(dv.value[ii])): raise ValueError( 'No time available.' f' dv: {}, utc: {utc}') if ii < steps: shift = np.nansum( dv.value[:ii+steps+1]*dv.corr[:ii+steps+1])/np.nansum( dv.corr[:ii+steps+1]) elif ii > len(dv.value)-steps: shift = np.nansum( dv.value[ii-steps:]*dv.corr[ii-steps:])/np.nansum( dv.corr[ii-steps:]) else: shift = np.nansum( dv.value[ii-steps:ii+steps+1]*dv.corr[ ii-steps:ii+steps+1])/np.nansum(dv.corr[ii-steps:ii+steps+1]) dv.value -= shift-value dv.dv_processing['aligned'] = value
[docs]def dv_starts(dv: DV, utc: UTCDateTime, corr_thres: float) -> bool: """ Check if a dv/v curve is available at a given time and if it has a correlation value above a given threshold. :param dv: dv/v object to check :type dv: DV :param utc: Time at which the dv/v curve should be aligned :type utc: UTCDateTime :param corr_thres: Correlation threshold :type corr_thres: float :return: True if the dv/v curve is available and has a correlation value above the threshold :rtype: bool """ if len(dv.value[dv.avail]) < 6: return False if utc < dv.stats.corr_start[0] or utc > dv.stats.corr_end[-1]: return False ii = np.argmin(abs(np.array(dv.stats.corr_start)-utc)) if np.isnan(dv.corr[ii]) or dv.corr[ii] < corr_thres: return False return True