Source code for seismic.monitor.dv

   The SeisMIC development team (
   Peter Makus (

Created: Tuesday, 15th June 2021 04:12:18 pm
Last Modified: Wednesday, 19th June 2024 04:07:10 pm

from datetime import datetime
from glob import glob
from typing import List, Tuple, Optional
import warnings
from zipfile import BadZipFile

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

from seismic.plot.plot_dv import plot_dv
from seismic.utils import miic_utils as mu
from seismic.correlate.stats import CorrStats

[docs]class DV(object): """ A simple object to save velocity changes. """ def __init__( self, corr: np.ndarray, value: np.ndarray, value_type: str, sim_mat: np.ndarray, second_axis: np.ndarray, method: str, stats: CorrStats, stretches: np.ndarray = None, corrs: np.ndarray = None, n_stat: np.ndarray = None, dv_processing: dict = {}): """ Creates an object designed to hold and process velocity changes. :param corr: Array with maximum Correlation coefficients. :type corr: np.ndarray :param value: Array with decimal velocity changes / stretches. :type value: np.ndarray :param value_type: Type of value (e.g., stretch) :type value_type: str :param sim_mat: Similarity Matrix with the dimensions time and stretch. :type sim_mat: np.ndarray :param second_axis: second axis (e.g., the stretch axis) :type second_axis: np.ndarray :param method: Stretching method that was used :type method: str :param stats: Stats of the correlation object that was used :type stats: CorrStats :param stretches: Scatter of the value (e.g., stretch). In case this dv object holds an average of several dvs, the user can choose to keep all dvs' stretches. defaults to None :type stretches: np.ndarray, optional :param corrs: Scatter of the correlation coefficient (e.g., stretch). In case this dv object holds an average of several dvs, the user can choose to keep all dvs' corrs. defaults to None :type corrs: np.ndarray, optional :param n_stat: Number of stations used for the stack at corr_start t. Has the same shape as `value` and `corr`. Defaults to None :type n_stat: np.ndarray, optional """ # Allocate attributes self.value_type = value_type self.corr = corr self.value = value self.sim_mat = sim_mat self.corrs = corrs self.stretches = stretches self.n_stat = n_stat self.second_axis = second_axis self.method = method self.stats = stats self.dv_processing = dv_processing # Available indices self.avail = ~np.isnan(self.corr) def __str__(self): """ Print a prettier string. """ code = f'{}.{self.stats.station}.'\ + f'{self.stats.location}.{}' out = f'{self.method} {self.value_type} velocity change estimate of '\ + f'{code}.\nstarttdate: {min(self.stats.corr_start).ctime()}\n'\ + f'enddate: {max(self.stats.corr_end).ctime()}\n\n'\ + f'processed with the following parameters: {self.dv_processing}' if self.method == np.array(['time_shift']): out = f'Time shift estimate of {code}.\nstarttdate: '\ + f'{min(self.stats.corr_start).ctime()}\nenddate: '\ + f'{max(self.stats.corr_end).ctime()}' return out
[docs] def save(self, path: str): """ Saves the dv object to a compressed numpy binary format. The DV can later be read using :func:`~seismic.monitor.dv.read_dv`. :param path: output path :type path: str """ kwargs = mu.save_header_to_np_array(self.stats) if self.dv_processing is not None and len(self.dv_processing): kwargs.update({ 'freq_min': self.dv_processing['freq_min'], 'freq_max': self.dv_processing['freq_max'], 'tw_len': self.dv_processing['tw_len'], 'tw_start': self.dv_processing['tw_start'], 'sides': self.dv_processing.get('sides', 'unknown'), 'aligned': self.dv_processing.get('aligned', False) }) kwargs.update({ 'method_array': np.array([self.method]), 'vt_array': np.array([self.value_type]), 'corr': self.corr, 'value': self.value, 'sim_mat': self.sim_mat, 'second_axis': self.second_axis, 'stretches': self.stretches, 'corrs': self.corrs, 'n_stat': self.n_stat }) # Np load will otherwise be annoying to_save = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if v is not None} np.savez_compressed( path, **to_save)
[docs] def plot( self, save_dir: str = '.', figure_file_name: str = None, mark_time: datetime = None, normalize_simmat: bool = False, sim_mat_Clim: List[float] = [], xlim: Tuple[datetime, datetime] = None, ylim: Tuple[int, int] = None, plot_scatter: bool = False, figsize: Tuple[float, float] = (9, 11), dpi: int = 144, title: str = None, return_ax=False, style: str = 'technical', dateformat: str = '%d %b %y', ax: plt.Axes = None) -> Tuple[ plt.figure, List[plt.axis]]: r""" Plots the dv object into a *multi-panel-view* of `similarity matrix` `dv-value`, and `correlation coefficient`. :param save_dir: Directory to save the figure to, defaults to '.' :type save_dir: str, optional :param figure_file_name: Filename of the figure. If None, the figure will not be save, defaults to None. :type figure_file_name: str, optional :param mark_time: times to put ticks to. If not set, they will be determined automatically, defaults to None. :type mark_time: datetime, optional :param normalize_simmat: Normalise the similarity matrix? Defaults to False. :type normalize_simmat: bool, optional :param sim_mat_Clim: Color limits for the similarity matrix , defaults to []. Format is [low_limit, upper_limit] :type sim_mat_Clim: List[float], optional :param xlim: Time Limits to plot, defaults to None. :type xlim: Tuple[datetime, datetime], optional :param ylim: Y-limits (e.g., stretch) of the plot, defaults to None :type ylim: Tuple[int, int], optional :param plot_scatter: If set to True, the scatter of all used combinations is plotted in form of a histogram. Defaults to False. :type plot_scatter: bool, optional :param figsize: Size of the figure/canvas, defaults to (9, 11) :type figsize: Tuple[float, float], optional :param dpi: Pixels per inch, defaults to 144 :type dpi: int, optional :param title: Define a custom title. Otherwise, an automatic title will be created, defaults to None :type title: str, optional :param return_ax: Return plt.figure and list of axes. Defaults to False. This overwrites any choice to save the figure. :type return_ax: bool, optional :param style: Style of the plot. Defaults to 'technical'. The other option would be 'publication' (looks better but is less informative). :type style: str, optional :param dateformat: Format of the date on the x-axis. Defaults to '%d %b %y'. :type dateformat: str, optional :returns: If `return_ax` is set to True it returns fig and axes. """ return plot_dv( style, self, save_dir=save_dir, figure_file_name=figure_file_name, mark_time=mark_time, normalize_simmat=normalize_simmat, sim_mat_Clim=sim_mat_Clim, figsize=figsize, dpi=dpi, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, title=title, plot_scatter=plot_scatter, return_ax=return_ax, dateformat=dateformat, ax=ax)
[docs] def smooth_sim_mat( self, win_len: int, exclude_corr_below: Optional[float] = None): """ Smoothes the similarity matrix along the correlation time axis. :param win_len: Length of the window in number of samples. :type win_len: int :param exclude_corr_below: Exclude data points with a correlation coefficient below the chosen threshold. Defaults to None (i.e., include all) :type exclude_corr_below: float :note:: This action is perfomed in-place and irreversible as the original data are not accesible any more. """ if exclude_corr_below is not None: self.sim_mat[self.sim_mat < exclude_corr_below] = np.nan self.sim_mat = mu.nan_moving_av(self.sim_mat, int(win_len/2), axis=0) # Compute the dependencies again self.corr = np.nanmax(self.sim_mat, axis=1) self.value = self.second_axis[ np.argmax(np.nan_to_num(self.sim_mat), axis=1)] return self
[docs]def read_dv(path: str) -> DV: """ Reads a saved velocity change object from an **.npz** file. :param path: Path to file, wildcards allowed :type path: str :return: the corresponding and converted DV object :rtype: DV, List[DV] if path contains wildcards """ if '*' in path or '?' in path: dvl = [] for p in glob(path): try: dvl.append(read_dv(p)) except BadZipFile: warnings.warn(f'File {p} corrupt, skipping..') if not len(dvl): raise FileNotFoundError( f'No files that adhere the pattern {path} found.') return dvl loaded = np.load(path) stats = CorrStats(mu.load_header_from_np_array(loaded)) # to check that compatibility works vt = loaded['vt_array'] while not isinstance(vt, str): vt = vt[0] method = loaded['method_array'] while not isinstance(method, str): method = method[0] try: dv_processing = dict( freq_min=float(loaded['freq_min']), freq_max=float(loaded['freq_max']), tw_start=float(loaded['tw_start']), tw_len=float(loaded['tw_len'])) dv_processing['sides'] = loaded.get('sides', 'unknown') dv_processing['aligned'] = loaded.get('aligned', False) except KeyError: dv_processing = {} return DV( loaded['corr'], loaded['value'], vt, loaded['sim_mat'], loaded['second_axis'], method, stats=stats, stretches=loaded.get('stretches', None), corrs=loaded.get('corrs', None), n_stat=loaded.get('n_stat', None), dv_processing=dv_processing)