Module that contains functions for preprocessing on obspy streams
The SeisMIC development team (makus@gfz-potsdam.de).
Peter Makus (makus@gfz-potsdam.de)
Created: Tuesday, 20th July 2021 03:47:00 pm
Last Modified: Tuesday, 26th September 2023 05:42:28 pm
from typing import List
from warnings import warn
import numpy as np
from obspy import Stream, Trace, UTCDateTime
[docs]def cos_taper_st(
st: Stream, taper_len: float, lossless: bool = False,
taper_at_masked: bool = False) -> Stream:
Applies a cosine taper to the input Stream.
:param tr: Input Stream
:type tr: :class:`~obspy.core.stream.Stream`
:param taper_len: Length of the taper per side
:type taper_len: float
:param taper_at_masked: applies a split to each trace and merges again
:type taper_at_masked: bool
:param lossless: Lossless tapering pads the trace's ends with a copy of
the trace's data before tapering. Note that you will want to trim
the trace later to remove this artificial ends.
type lossless: bool
:return: Tapered Stream
:rtype: :class:`~obspy.core.stream.Stream`
.. note::
This action is performed in place. If you want to keep the
original data use :func:`~obspy.core.stream.Stream.copy`.
if isinstance(st, Trace):
st = Stream([st])
for ii, _ in enumerate(st):
st[ii] = cos_taper(st[ii], taper_len, taper_at_masked, lossless)
except ValueError as e:
warn('%s, corresponding trace not tapered.' % e)
return st
[docs]def cos_taper(
tr: Trace, taper_len: float, taper_at_masked: bool,
lossless: bool) -> Trace:
Applies a cosine taper to the input trace.
:param tr: Input Trace
:type tr: Trace
:param taper_len: Length of the taper per side in seconds
:type taper_len: float
:param taper_at_masked: applies a split to each trace and merges again
afterwards. Lossless tapering is not supporting if the trace contains
masked values in the middle of the trace
:type taper_at_masked: bool
:param lossless: Lossless tapering pads the trace's ends with a copy of
the trace's data before tapering. Note that you will want to trim
the trace later to remove this artificial ends.
type lossless: bool
:return: Tapered Trace
:rtype: Trace
.. note::
This action is performed in place. If you want to keep the
original data use :func:`~obspy.core.trace.Trace.copy`.
if lossless:
'Lossless tapering deprecated. Setting False..', DeprecationWarning
lossless = False
if taper_len <= 0:
raise ValueError('Taper length must be larger than 0 s')
if taper_at_masked:
if lossless:
'Tapering lossless at masked values is not supported')
st = tr.split()
st = cos_taper_st(st, taper_len, False, False)
st = st.merge()
if st.count():
tr.data = st[0].data
return tr
raise ValueError('Taper length must be larger than 0 s')
tl_n = round(taper_len*tr.stats.sampling_rate)
if tl_n * 2 > tr.stats.npts:
raise ValueError(
'Taper Length * 2 has to be smaller or equal to trace\'s length.')
taper = np.ones_like(tr.data)
tap = np.sin(np.linspace(0, np.pi, tl_n*2))
taper[:tl_n] = tap[:tl_n]
taper[-tl_n:] = tap[-tl_n:]
tr.data = np.multiply(tr.data, taper)
return tr
[docs]def detrend_st(st: Stream, *args, **kwargs) -> Stream:
Detrends a stream while dealing with data gaps
:param st: input Stream
:type st: Stream
:return: the obspy Stream detrended
:rtype: Stream
.. note::
This action is performed in place. If you want to keep the
original data use :func:`~obspy.core.stream.Stream.copy`.
.. seealso:
For accepted parameters consult the documentation of
for tr in st:
sst = tr.split()
sst.detrend(*args, **kwargs)
tr.data = sst.merge()[0].data
return st
[docs]def stream_filter(st: Stream, ftype: str, filter_option: dict) -> Stream:
""" Filter each trace of a Stream according to the given parameters
This faction apply the specified filter function to all the traces in the
present in the input :py:class:`~obspy.core.stream.Stream`.
:type ftype: str
:param ftype: String that specifies which filter is applied (e.g.
``"bandpass"``). See the `Supported Filter`_ section below for
further details.
:type filter_option: dict
:param filter_option: Necessary arguments for the respective filter
that will be passed on. (e.g. ``freqmin=1.0``, ``freqmax=20.0`` for
:type parallel: bool (Default: True)
:pram parallel: If the filtering will be run in parallel or not
:type processes: int
:pram processes: Number of processes to start (if None it will be equal
to the number of cores available in the hosting machine)
.. note::
This operation is performed in place on the actual data arrays. The
raw data is not accessible anymore afterwards. To keep your
original data, use :func:`~miic.core.alpha_mod.stream_copy` to create
a copy of your stream object.
This function can also work in parallel an all or a specified number of
cores available in the hosting machine.
.. rubric:: _`Supported Filter`
Butterworth-Bandpass (uses :func:`obspy.signal.filter.bandpass`).
Butterworth-Bandstop (uses :func:`obspy.signal.filter.bandstop`).
Butterworth-Lowpass (uses :func:`obspy.signal.filter.lowpass`).
Butterworth-Highpass (uses :func:`obspy.signal.filter.highpass`).
Cheby2-Lowpass (uses :func:`obspy.signal.filter.lowpassCheby2`).
``'lowpassFIR'`` (experimental)
FIR-Lowpass (uses :func:`obspy.signal.filter.lowpassFIR`).
``'remezFIR'`` (experimental)
Minimax optimal bandpass using Remez algorithm (uses
if isinstance(st, Trace):
st = Stream([st])
if not isinstance(st, Stream):
raise TypeError("'st' must be a 'obspy.core.stream.Stream' object")
fparam = dict(
[(kw_filed, filter_option[kw_filed]) for kw_filed in filter_option])
# take care of masked traces and keep their order in the stream
fst = Stream()
for tr in st:
sptr = tr.split()
sptr.filter(ftype, **fparam)
fst += sptr
st = fst
# Change the name to help blockcanvas readability
st_filtered = st
return st_filtered
[docs]def stream_mask_at_utc(
st: Stream, starts: List[UTCDateTime], ends: List[UTCDateTime] = None,
masklen: float = None, reverse: bool = False) -> Stream:
Mask the Data in the Stream between the times given by ``starts`` and
``ends`` or between ``starts`` and ``starts``+``masklen``.
:param st: Input Strem to be tapered
:type st: Stream
:param starts: Start-time (in UTC) that the masked values should start from
:type starts: List[UTCDateTime]
:param ends: End times (in UTC) of the masked values. Has to have the same
length as starts. If None, `masklen` has to be defined,
defaults to None.
:type ends: List[UTCDateTime], optional
:param masklen: Alternatively to providing ends, one can provide a constant
length (in s) per mask, defaults to None.
:type masklen: float, optional
:param reverse: Only keep the data in the mask unmasked and mask everything
else. Defaults to False.
:type reverse: bool, optional
:raises ValueError: If `ends`, `starts`, and `masklen` are incompatible
with each other.
.. warning:: This function will not taper before and after the mask.
If you should desire to do so use.
:func:`~seismic.correlate.preprocessing_stream.cos_taper_st` and set
``taper_at_mask`` to ``True``.
msg = 'Provide either the length of the mask or a list of ends with '\
+ 'identical length as the list of starts.'
if masklen is None and ends is None:
raise ValueError(msg)
elif masklen is not None and ends is not None:
raise ValueError(msg)
elif ends is not None and len(ends) != len(starts):
raise ValueError('Ends must have the same length as starts.')
starts = np.array(starts)
if ends is None:
ends = starts + masklen
ends = np.array(ends)
for tr in st:
trace_mask_at_utc(tr, starts, ends, reverse)
return st
[docs]def trace_mask_at_utc(
tr: Trace, starts: np.ndarray,
ends: np.ndarray, reverse: bool):
.. seealso::
start = tr.stats.starttime
end = tr.stats.endtime
# starts in trace
ii = (starts < end) * (starts > start)
# ends in trace
jj = (ends < end) * (ends > start)
mask = np.zeros(tr.data.shape, dtype=bool)
# masks that are completlely in trace
kk = jj*ii
for s, e in zip(starts[kk], ends[kk]):
# Find start-index in trace
t = s-start
ns = int(np.floor(tr.stats.sampling_rate*t))
# find stop index
t = e-start
ne = int(np.ceil(tr.stats.sampling_rate*t))+1
mask[ns:ne] = True
# only start of mask in trace
ll = ii * ~jj
for s in starts[ll]:
# Find start-index in trace
t = s-start
ns = int(np.floor(tr.stats.sampling_rate*t))
mask[ns:] = True
# only end of mask in trace
ll = ~ii * jj
for e in ends[ll]:
# Find start-index in trace
t = e-start
ne = int(np.ceil(tr.stats.sampling_rate*t))+1
mask[:ne] = True
if reverse:
mask = ~mask
# Mask the array
tr.data = np.ma.array(tr.data, mask=mask, hard_mask=True, fill_value=0)
# Hard mask saves RAM as the data will essentially be discarded