The SeisMIC development team (makus@gfz-potsdam.de).
Peter Makus (makus@gfz-potsdam.de)
Created: Monday, 29th March 2021 07:58:18 am
Last Modified: Wednesday, 19th June 2024 03:39:46 pm
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import Iterator, List, Tuple, Optional
from warnings import warn
import os
import logging
import json
import warnings
import yaml
import glob
import fnmatch
from mpi4py import MPI
import numpy as np
from obspy import Stream, UTCDateTime, Inventory, Trace
from tqdm import tqdm
from seismic.correlate.stream import CorrTrace, CorrStream
from seismic.correlate import preprocessing_td as pptd
from seismic.correlate import preprocessing_stream as ppst
from seismic.db.corr_hdf5 import CorrelationDataBase, h5_FMTSTR
from seismic.trace_data.waveform import Store_Client
from seismic.utils.fetch_func_from_str import func_from_str
from seismic.utils import miic_utils as mu
[docs]class Correlator(object):
Object to manage the actual Correlation (i.e., Green's function retrieval)
for the database.
def __init__(self, store_client: Store_Client, options: dict or str):
Initiates the Correlator object. When executing
:func:`~seismic.correlate.correlate.Correlator.pxcorr()`, it will
actually compute the correlations and save them in an hdf5 file that
can be handled using
Data has to be preprocessed before calling this (i.e., the data already
has to be given in an ASDF format). Consult
:class:`~seismic.trace_data.preprocess.Preprocessor` for information on
how to proceed with this.
:param options: Dictionary containing all options for the correlation.
Can also be a path to a yaml file containing all the keys required
in options.
:type options: dict or str
if isinstance(options, str):
with open(options) as file:
options = yaml.load(file, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
# init MPI
self.comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
self.psize = self.comm.Get_size()
self.rank = self.comm.Get_rank()
# directories
self.proj_dir = options['proj_dir']
self.corr_dir = os.path.join(self.proj_dir, options['co']['subdir'])
self.save_comps_separately = options['save_comps_separately']
except KeyError:
self.save_comps_separately = False
logdir = os.path.join(self.proj_dir, options['log_subdir'])
if self.rank == 0:
os.makedirs(self.corr_dir, exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs(logdir, exist_ok=True)
# Logging - rank dependent
if self.rank == 0:
tstr = UTCDateTime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M')
tstr = None
tstr = self.comm.bcast(tstr, root=0)
rankstr = str(self.rank).zfill(3)
loglvl = mu.log_lvl[options['log_level'].upper()]
self.logger = logging.getLogger("seismic.Correlator%s" % rankstr)
warnlog = logging.getLogger('py.warnings')
fh = logging.FileHandler(os.path.join(logdir, 'correlate%srank%s' % (
tstr, rankstr)))
fmt = logging.Formatter(
fmt='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
consoleHandler = logging.StreamHandler()
# Write the options dictionary to the log file
if self.rank == 0:
opt_dump = deepcopy(options)
# json cannot write the UTCDateTime objects that might be in here
for step in opt_dump['co']['preProcessing']:
if 'stream_mask_at_utc' in step['function']:
startsstr = [
t.format_fissures() for t in step['args']['starts']]
step['args']['starts'] = startsstr
if 'ends' in step['args']:
endsstr = [
t.format_fissures() for t in step['args']['ends']]
step['args']['ends'] = endsstr
with open(os.path.join(
logdir, 'params%s.txt' % tstr), 'w') as file:
file.write(json.dumps(opt_dump, indent=1))
self.options = options['co']
# requested combis?
if 'xcombinations' in self.options:
self.rcombis = self.options['xcombinations']
if self.rcombis == 'None':
# cumbersome, but someone used it wrong so let's hardcode
self.rcombis = None
self.rcombis = None
# find the available data
network = options['net']['network']
station = options['net']['station']
component = options['net']['component']
# location = options['net']['location']
# Store_Client
self.store_client = store_client
if isinstance(station, list) and len(station) == 1:
station = station[0]
if isinstance(network, list) and len(network) == 1:
network = network[0]
# if isinstance(location, list) and len(network) == 1:
# network = network[0]
if (
network == '*'
and isinstance(station, str) and '*' not in station):
raise ValueError(
'Stations has to be either: \n'
+ '1. A list of the same length as the list of networks.\n'
+ '2. \'*\' That is, a wildcard (string).\n'
+ '3. A list and network is a string describing one '
+ 'station code.')
elif isinstance(station, str) and isinstance(network, str):
station = [[network, station]]
elif station == '*' and isinstance(network, list):
# This is most likely not thread-safe
if self.rank == 0:
station = []
for net in network:
station = None
station = self.comm.bcast(station, root=0)
elif isinstance(network, list) and isinstance(station, list):
if len(network) != len(station):
raise ValueError(
'Stations has to be either: \n'
+ '1. A list of the same length as the list of networks.\n'
+ '2. \'*\' That is, a wildcard (string).\n'
+ '3. A list and network is a string describing one '
+ 'station code.')
station = list([n, s] for n, s in zip(network, station))
elif isinstance(station, list) and isinstance(network, str):
for ii, stat in enumerate(station):
station[ii] = [network, stat]
raise ValueError(
'Stations has to be either: \n'
+ '1. A list of the same length as the list of networks.\n'
+ '2. \'*\' That is, a wildcard (string).\n'
+ '3. A list and network is a string describing one '
+ 'station code.')
if self.rank == 0:
self.avail_raw_data = []
for net, stat in station:
net, stat, component, location='*'))
# make sure this only contains unique combinations
# with several cores it added entries several times, don't know
# why?
# In contrast to self.station, self.avail_raw_data also contains
# information about the available channels, so they can be
# read and processed on different cores
self.avail_raw_data = np.unique(
self.avail_raw_data, axis=0).tolist()
self.avail_raw_data = None
self.avail_raw_data = self.comm.bcast(
self.avail_raw_data, root=0)
self.station = np.unique(np.array([
[d[0], d[1]] for d in self.avail_raw_data]), axis=0).tolist()
# if only certain combis are requested, remove stations not within
# these
'Fetching data from the following stations:\n%a' % [
f'{n}.{s}' for n, s in self.station])
self.sampling_rate = self.options['sampling_rate']
if 'allow_different_params' in self.options:
self._allow_different_params = self.options[
self._allow_different_params = False
def _filter_by_rcombis(self):
Removes stations from the list of available stations that are not
requested in the cross-combinations.
if self.rcombis is None or self.options['combination_method'] \
!= 'betweenStations':
self.station = [
[n, s] for n, s in self.station if
fnmatch.filter(self.rcombis, f'{n}-*.{s}-*') or fnmatch.filter(
self.rcombis, f'*-{n}.*-{s}')]
# same check for avail_raw_data
self.avail_raw_data = [
[n, s, loc, c] for n, s, loc, c in self.avail_raw_data if
fnmatch.filter(self.rcombis, f'{n}-*.{s}-*') or fnmatch.filter(
self.rcombis, f'*-{n}.*-{s}')]
[docs] def find_interstat_dist(self, dis: float):
Find stations in database with interstation distance smaller than
If no station inventories are available, they will be downloaded.
:param dis: Find all Stations with distance less than `dis` [in m]
:type dis: float
.. note:: only the subset of the in ``params.yaml`` defined
networks and stations will be queried.
if not self.options['combination_method'] == 'betweenStations':
raise ValueError(
'This function is only available if combination method '
+ 'is set to "betweenStations".')
# Update the store clients invetory
# list of requested combinations
if self.rcombis is None:
self.rcombis = []
for ii, (n0, s0) in enumerate(self.station):
inv0 = self.store_client.select_inventory_or_load_remote(
n0, s0)
for n1, s1 in self.station[ii:]:
inv1 = self.store_client.select_inventory_or_load_remote(
n1, s1)
if mu.filter_stat_dist(inv0, inv1, dis):
self.rcombis.append('%s-%s.%s-%s' % (n0, n1, s0, s1))
raise ValueError(
'Either filter for specific cross correlations or a maximum '
+ 'distance.')
[docs] def find_existing_times(
self, tag: str, channel: str = '*') -> dict:
Returns the already existing starttimes in form of a dictionary (see
:param tag: The tag that the waveforms are saved under
:type tag: str
:param channel: Channel Combination Code (e.g., CH0-CH1),
wildcards accepted. Defaults to '*'
:type channel: str, optional
:return: Dictionary that is structured as in the example below
:rtype: dict
>>> out_dict = my_correlator.find_existing_times('mytag', 'BHZ-BHH')
>>> print(out_dict)
{'NET0.STAT0': {
'NET1.STAT1': {'BHZ-BHH': [%list of starttimes] ,
'NET2.STAT2': {'BHZ-BHH':[%list of starttimes]}}}
netlist, statlist = list(zip(*self.station))
netcombs, statcombs = compute_network_station_combinations(
netlist, statlist, method=self.options['combination_method'],
ex_dict = {}
for nc, sc in zip(netcombs, statcombs):
outfs = h5_FMTSTR.format(
dir=self.corr_dir, network=nc, station=sc, location='*',
if not len(glob.glob(outfs)):
d = {}
for outf in glob.glob(outfs):
# retrieve location codes
l0, l1 = os.path.basename(outf).split('.')[2].split('-')
with CorrelationDataBase(
outf, corr_options=self.options, mode='r',
_force=self._allow_different_params) as cdb:
d.setdefault('%s-%s' % (l0, l1), {})
nc, sc, tag, f'{l0}-{l1}', channel))
s0, s1 = sc.split('-')
n0, n1 = nc.split('-')
# obtain location codes
ex_dict.setdefault('%s.%s' % (n0, s0), {})
ex_dict['%s.%s' % (n0, s0)]['%s.%s' % (n1, s1)] = d
return ex_dict
[docs] def pxcorr(self):
Start the correlation with the parameters that were defined when
initiating the object.
cst = CorrStream()
if self.rank == 0:
self.logger.debug('Reading Inventory files.')
# Fetch station coordinates
if self.rank == 0:
inv = self.store_client.read_inventory()
except Exception as e:
if self.options['remove_response']:
raise FileNotFoundError(
'No response information could be found.'
+ 'If you set remove_response to True, you will need'
+ 'a station inventory.')
'No Station Inventory found. Proceeding without.')
inv = None
inv = None
inv = self.comm.bcast(inv, root=0)
for st, write_flag in self._generate_data():
cst.extend(self._pxcorr_inner(st, inv))
if write_flag:
self.logger.debug('Writing Correlations to file.')
# Here, we can recombine the correlations for the read_len
# size (i.e., stack)
# Write correlations to HDF5
if cst.count():
# write the remaining data
if cst.count():
def _pxcorr_inner(self, st: Stream, inv: Inventory) -> CorrStream:
Inner loop of pxcorr. Don't call this function!
# We start out by moving the stream into a matrix
'Converting Stream to Matrix')
# put all the data into a single stream
starttime = []
npts = []
for tr in st:
npts = np.max(np.array(npts))
A, st = st_to_np_array(st, npts)
{'starttime': starttime,
'sampling_rate': self.sampling_rate})
self.logger.debug('Computing Cross-Correlations.')
A, startlags = self._pxcorr_matrix(A)
self.logger.debug('Converting Matrix to CorrStream.')
# put trace into a stream
cst = CorrStream()
if A is None:
# No new data
return cst
if self.rank == 0:
for ii, (startlag, comb) in enumerate(
zip(startlags, self.options['combinations'])):
endlag = startlag + len(A[ii, :])/self.options['sampling_rate']
A[ii], header1=st[comb[0]].stats,
header2=st[comb[1]].stats, inv=inv, start_lag=startlag,
cst = None
cst = self.comm.bcast(cst, root=0)
return cst
def _write(self, cst):
Write correlation stream to files.
:param cst: CorrStream containing the correlations
:type cst: :class:`~seismic.correlate.stream.CorrStream`
if not cst.count():
self.logger.debug('No new data written.')
# Make sure that each core writes to a different file
filelist = list(set(h5_FMTSTR.format(
dir=self.corr_dir, network=tr.stats.network,
station=tr.stats.station, location=tr.stats.location,
channel=tr.stats.channel) for tr in cst))
# Better if the same cores keep writing to the same files
# Decide which process writes to which station
pmap = np.arange(len(filelist))*self.psize/len(filelist)
pmap = pmap.astype(np.int32)
ind = pmap == self.rank
for outf in np.array(filelist)[ind]:
net, stat, loc, cha = os.path.basename(outf).split('.')[0:4]
cstselect = cst.select(
network=net, station=stat, location=loc, channel=cha)
if self.options['subdivision']['recombine_subdivision']:
stack = cstselect.stack()
stacktag = 'stack_%s' % str(self.options['read_len'])
stack = None
with CorrelationDataBase(
outf, corr_options=self.options,
_force=self._allow_different_params) as cdb:
if cstselect.count():
cdb.add_correlation(cstselect, 'subdivision')
if stack is not None:
cdb.add_correlation(stack, stacktag)
def _generate_data(self) -> Iterator[Tuple[Stream, bool]]:
Returns an Iterator that loops over each start and end time with the
requested window length.
:yield: An obspy stream containing the time window x for all stations
that were active during this time.
:rtype: Iterator[Stream]
if self.rank == 0:
# find already available times
self.ex_dict = self.find_existing_times('subdivision')
self.logger.info('Already existing data: %s' % str(self.ex_dict))
self.ex_dict = None
self.ex_dict = self.comm.bcast(self.ex_dict, root=0)
if not self.ex_dict and self.options['preprocess_subdiv']:
self.options['preprocess_subdiv'] = False
if self.rank == 0:
'No existing data found.\nAutomatically setting '
'preprocess_subdiv to False to optimise performance.')
# the time window that the loop will go over
t0 = UTCDateTime(self.options['read_start']).timestamp
t1 = UTCDateTime(self.options['read_end']).timestamp
loop_window = np.arange(t0, t1, self.options['read_inc'])
# Taper ends for the deconvolution and filtering
tl = 20
# Decide which process reads data from which station
# Better than just letting one core read as this avoids having to
# send very big chunks of data using MPI (MPI communication does
# not support more than 2GB/comm operation)
pmap = np.arange(len(self.avail_raw_data))*self.psize/len(
pmap = pmap.astype(np.int32)
ind = pmap == self.rank
ind = np.arange(len(self.avail_raw_data))[ind]
# Loop over read increments
for t in tqdm(loop_window):
write_flag = True # Write length is same as read length
startt = UTCDateTime(t)
endt = startt + self.options['read_len']
st = Stream()
# loop over queried stations
for net, stat, loc, cha in np.array(self.avail_raw_data)[ind]:
# Load data
stext = self.store_client._load_local(
net, stat, loc, cha, startt, endt, True, False)
if stext is None or not len(stext):
# No data for this station to read
st = st.extend(stext)
# Stream based preprocessing
# Downsampling
# 04/04/2023 Downsample before preprocessing for performance
# Check sampling frequency
sampling_rate = self.options['sampling_rate']
# AA-Filter is done in this function as well
st = mu.resample_or_decimate(st, sampling_rate)
except ValueError as e:
'Downsampling failed for '
f'{st[0].stats.network}.{st[0].stats.station} and time'
f' {t}.\nThe Original Error Message was {e}.')
# The actual data in the mseeds was changed from int to float64
# now,
# Save some space by changing it back to 32 bit (most of the
# digitizers work at 24 bit anyways)
mu.stream_require_dtype(st, np.float32)
if not self.options['preprocess_subdiv']:
self.logger.debug('Preprocessing stream...')
st = preprocess_stream(
st, self.store_client, startt, endt, tl,
except ValueError as e:
'Stream preprocessing failed for '
f'{st[0].stats.network}.{st[0].stats.station} and time'
f' {t}.\nThe Original Error Message was {e}.')
# Slice the stream in correlation length
# -> Loop over correlation increments
for ii, win in enumerate(generate_corr_inc(st, **self.options)):
winstart = startt + ii*self.options['subdivision']['corr_inc']
winend = winstart + self.options['subdivision']['corr_len']
# Gather time windows from all stations to all cores
winl = self.comm.allgather(win)
win = Stream()
for winp in winl:
win = win.sort()
# Get correlation combinations
if self.rank == 0:
self.logger.debug('Calculating combinations...')
self.options['combinations'] = calc_cross_combis(
win, self.ex_dict, self.options['combination_method'],
self.options['combinations'] = None
self.options['combinations'] = self.comm.bcast(
self.options['combinations'], root=0)
if not len(self.options['combinations']):
# no new combinations for this time period
f'No new data for times {winstart}-{winend}')
# Remove traces that won't be accessed at all
win_indices = np.arange(len(win))
combindices = np.unique(
popindices = np.flip(
np.setdiff1d(win_indices, combindices))
for popi in popindices:
del win[popi]
if len(popindices):
# now we have to recompute the combinations
if self.rank == 0:
self.logger.debug('removing redundant data.')
self.logger.debug('Recalculating combinations...')
self.options['combinations'] = calc_cross_combis(
win, self.ex_dict,
self.options['combinations'] = None
self.options['combinations'] = self.comm.bcast(
self.options['combinations'], root=0)
if not len(self.options['combinations']):
# no new combinations for this time period
f'No new data for times {winstart}-{winend}')
# Stream based preprocessing
if self.options['preprocess_subdiv']:
win = preprocess_stream(
win, self.store_client, winstart, winend,
tl, **self.options)
except ValueError as e:
if st.count():
'Stream preprocessing failed for '
' and time '
f'{t}.\nThe Original Error Message was {e}.')
'Stream preprocessing failed for '
'time '
f'{t}.\nThe Original Error Message was {e}.')
if self.rank == 0:
self.options['combinations'] = calc_cross_combis(
win, self.ex_dict,
self.options['combinations'] = None
self.options['combinations'] = self.comm.bcast(
self.options['combinations'], root=0)
if not len(win):
# no new combinations for this time period
f'No new data for times {winstart}-{winend}')
self.logger.debug('Working on correlation times %s-%s' % (
str(win[0].stats.starttime), str(win[0].stats.endtime)))
win = win.merge()
win = win.trim(winstart, winend, pad=True)
yield win, write_flag
write_flag = False
def _pxcorr_matrix(self, A: np.ndarray) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
# time domain processing
# map of traces on processes
ntrc = A.shape[0]
pmap = np.arange(ntrc)*self.psize/ntrc
# This step was not in the original but is necessary for it to work?
# maybe a difference in an old python/np version?
pmap = pmap.astype(np.int32)
# indices for traces to be worked on by each process
ind = pmap == self.rank
corr_args = self.options['corr_args']
# time domain pre-processing
params = {}
for key in list(corr_args.keys()):
if 'Processing' not in key:
params.update({key: corr_args[key]})
params['sampling_rate'] = self.sampling_rate
# The steps that aren't done before
# nans from the masked parts are set to 0
np.nan_to_num(A, copy=False)
for proc in corr_args['TDpreProcessing']:
func = func_from_str(proc['function'])
A[ind, :] = func(A[ind, :], proc['args'], params)
# zero-padding
A = pptd.zeroPadding(A, {'type': 'avoidWrapFastLen'}, params)
# Allocate space for rfft of data
zmsize = A.shape
# use next fast len instead?
fftsize = zmsize[1]//2+1
B = np.zeros((ntrc, fftsize), dtype=np.csingle)
B[ind, :] = np.fft.rfft(A[ind, :], axis=1)
freqs = np.fft.rfftfreq(zmsize[1], 1./self.sampling_rate)
# frequency domain pre-processing
params.update({'freqs': freqs})
# Here, I will have to make sure to add all the functions to the module
for proc in corr_args['FDpreProcessing']:
# The big advantage of this rather lengthy code is that we can also
# import any function that has been defined anywhere else (i.e,
# not only within the miic framework)
func = func_from_str(proc['function'])
B[ind, :] = func(B[ind, :], proc['args'], params)
# collect results
self.comm.Allreduce(MPI.IN_PLACE, [B, MPI.FLOAT], op=MPI.SUM)
# correlation
csize = len(self.options['combinations'])
irfftsize = (fftsize-1)*2
sampleToSave = int(
corr_args['lengthToSave'] * self.sampling_rate))
C = np.zeros((csize, sampleToSave*2+1), dtype=np.float32)
pmap = np.arange(csize)*self.psize/csize
pmap = pmap.astype(np.int32)
ind = pmap == self.rank
ind = np.arange(csize)[ind]
startlags = np.zeros(csize, dtype=np.float32)
for ii in ind:
# offset of starttimes in samples(just remove fractions of samples)
offset = (
self.options['combinations'][ii][0]] - self.options[
if corr_args['center_correlation']:
roffset = 0.
# offset exceeding a fraction of integer
roffset = np.fix(
offset * self.sampling_rate) / self.sampling_rate
# faction of samples to be compenasated by shifting
offset -= roffset
# normalization factor of fft correlation
if corr_args['normalize_correlation']:
norm = (
'combinations'][ii][0], :]
* B[self.options['combinations'][ii][0], :].conj())
- B[self.options['combinations'][ii][0], 0]**2)
* np.sqrt(
'combinations'][ii][1], :]
* B[self.options['combinations'][ii][1], :].conj())
- B[self.options['combinations'][ii][1], 0]**2)
/ irfftsize).real
norm = 1.
M = (
B[self.options['combinations'][ii][0], :].conj()
* B[self.options['combinations'][ii][1], :]
* np.exp(1j * freqs * offset * 2 * np.pi))
# frequency domain postProcessing
tmp = np.fft.irfft(M).real
# cut the center and do fftshift
C[ii, :] = np.concatenate(
(tmp[-sampleToSave:], tmp[:sampleToSave+1]))/norm
startlags[ii] = - sampleToSave / self.sampling_rate \
- roffset
# time domain postProcessing
# collect results
self.logger.debug('%s %s' % (C.shape, C.dtype))
self.logger.debug('combis: %s' % (self.options['combinations']))
self.comm.Allreduce(MPI.IN_PLACE, [C, MPI.FLOAT], op=MPI.SUM)
MPI.IN_PLACE, [startlags, MPI.FLOAT], op=MPI.SUM)
return (C, startlags)
[docs]def st_to_np_array(st: Stream, npts: int) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, Stream]:
Converts an obspy stream to a matrix with the shape (npts, st.count()).
Also returns the same stream but without the data arrays in tr.data.
:param st: Input Stream
:type st: Stream
:param npts: Maximum number of samples per Trace
:type npts: int
:return: A stream and a matrix
:rtype: np.ndarray
A = np.zeros((st.count(), npts), dtype=np.float32)
for ii, tr in enumerate(st):
A[ii, :tr.stats.npts] = tr.data
del tr.data # Not needed any more, just uses up RAM
return A, st
def _compare_existing_data(ex_corr: dict, tr0: Trace, tr1: Trace) -> bool:
# The actual starttime for the header is the later one of the two
net0 = tr0.stats.network
stat0 = tr0.stats.station
cha0 = tr0.stats.channel
net1 = tr1.stats.network
stat1 = tr1.stats.station
cha1 = tr1.stats.channel
loc0 = tr0.stats.location
loc1 = tr1.stats.location
# Probably faster than checking a huge dict twice
flip = ([net0, net1], [stat0, stat1], [loc0, loc1], [cha0, cha1]) \
!= sort_comb_name_alphabetically(
net0, stat0, net1, stat1, loc0, loc1, cha0, cha1)
corr_start = max(tr0.stats.starttime, tr1.stats.starttime)
if flip:
return corr_start.format_fissures() in ex_corr[
return corr_start.format_fissures() in ex_corr[
except KeyError:
return False
[docs]def is_in_xcombis(id1: str, id2: str, rcombis: List[str] = None) -> bool:
Check if the specific combination is to be calculated according to
xcombinations including the channel. xcombination are expected as
Net1-Net2.Sta1-Sta2.Cha1-Cha2. (Channel information can be omitted)
n1, s1, _, c1 = id1.split('.')
n2, s2, _, c2 = id2.split('.')
tcombi = f'{n1}-{n2}.{s1}-{s2}.{c1}-{c2}'
tcombi2 = f'{n2}-{n1}.{s2}-{s1}.{c2}-{c1}'
for combi in rcombis:
if fnmatch.fnmatch(tcombi, combi+'*') or fnmatch.fnmatch(
tcombi2, combi+'*'):
return True
return False
[docs]def calc_cross_combis(
st: Stream, ex_corr: dict, method: str = 'betweenStations',
rcombis: List[str] = None) -> list:
Calculate a list of all cross correlation combination
of traces in the stream: i.e. all combination with two different
stations involved.
:param st: Stream holding the tracecs to be correlated
:type st: :class:`~obspy.Stream`
:param ex_corr: dict holding the correlations that already exist in db
:type ex_corr: dict
:type method: stringf
:param method: Determines which traces of the strem are combined.
:param rcombis: requested combinations, only works if
:type rcombis: List[str] strings are in form net0-net1.stat0-stat1
Traces are combined if either their station or
their network names are different.
Traces are combined if their components (last
letter of channel name) names are different and their station and
network names are identical (single station cross-correlation).
Traces are combined only with themselves.
All Traces are combined once (onle one of
(0,1) and (1,0))
All traces are combined in both orders ((0,1) and (1,0))
combis = []
# sort alphabetically
st = st.sort()
if method == 'betweenStations':
for ii, tr in enumerate(st):
for jj in range(ii+1, len(st)):
tr1 = st[jj]
n = tr.stats.network
n2 = tr1.stats.network
s = tr.stats.station
s2 = tr1.stats.station
if n != n2 or s != s2:
# check first whether this combi is in dict
if _compare_existing_data(ex_corr, tr, tr1):
if rcombis is not None and not is_in_xcombis(
tr.id, tr1.id, rcombis):
combis.append((ii, jj))
elif method == 'betweenComponents':
for ii, tr in enumerate(st):
for jj in range(ii+1, len(st)):
tr1 = st[jj]
if ((tr.stats['network'] == tr1.stats['network'])
and (tr.stats['station'] == tr1.stats['station'])
and (
tr.stats['channel'][-1] != tr1.stats['channel'][-1])):
if _compare_existing_data(ex_corr, tr, tr1):
combis.append((ii, jj))
elif method == 'autoComponents':
for ii, tr in enumerate(st):
if _compare_existing_data(ex_corr, tr, tr):
combis.append((ii, ii))
elif method == 'allSimpleCombinations':
for ii, tr in enumerate(st):
for jj in range(ii, len(st)):
tr1 = st[jj]
if _compare_existing_data(ex_corr, tr, tr1):
combis.append((ii, jj))
elif method == 'allCombinations':
for ii, tr in enumerate(st):
for jj, tr1 in enumerate(st):
if _compare_existing_data(ex_corr, tr, tr1):
combis.append((ii, jj))
raise ValueError("Method has to be one of ('betweenStations', "
"'betweenComponents', 'autoComponents', "
"'allSimpleCombinations' or 'allCombinations').")
if not len(combis):
warn('Method %s found no combinations.' % method)
return combis
# All the rotations are still untested, should do that at some point
# def rotate_multi_corr_stream(st: Stream) -> Stream:
# """Rotate a stream with full Greens tensor from ENZ to RTZ
# Take a stream with numerous correlation traces and rotate the
# combinations of ENZ components into combinations of RTZ components in
# all nine components of the Green's tensor are present. If not all nine
# components are present no trace for this station combination is returned.
# :type st: obspy.stream
# :param st: stream with data in ENZ system
# :rtype: obspy.stream
# :return: stream in the RTZ system
# """
# out_st = Stream()
# while st:
# tl = list(range(9))
# tst = st.select(network=st[0].stats['network'],
# station=st[0].stats['station'])
# cnt = 0
# for ttr in tst:
# if ttr.stats['channel'][2] == 'E':
# if ttr.stats['channel'][6] == 'E':
# tl[0] = ttr
# cnt += 1
# elif ttr.stats['channel'][6] == 'N':
# tl[1] = ttr
# cnt += 2
# elif ttr.stats['channel'][6] == 'Z':
# tl[2] = ttr
# cnt += 4
# elif ttr.stats['channel'][2] == 'N':
# if ttr.stats['channel'][6] == 'E':
# tl[3] = ttr
# cnt += 8
# elif ttr.stats['channel'][6] == 'N':
# tl[4] = ttr
# cnt += 16
# elif ttr.stats['channel'][6] == 'Z':
# tl[5] = ttr
# cnt += 32
# elif ttr.stats['channel'][2] == 'Z':
# if ttr.stats['channel'][6] == 'E':
# tl[6] = ttr
# cnt += 64
# elif ttr.stats['channel'][6] == 'N':
# tl[7] = ttr
# cnt += 128
# elif ttr.stats['channel'][6] == 'Z':
# tl[8] = ttr
# cnt += 256
# if cnt == 2**9-1:
# st0 = Stream()
# for t in tl:
# st0.append(t)
# st1 = _rotate_corr_stream(st0)
# out_st += st1
# elif cnt == 27: # only horizontal component combinations present
# st0 = Stream()
# for t in [0, 1, 3, 4]:
# st0.append(tl[t])
# st1 = _rotate_corr_stream_horizontal(st0)
# out_st += st1
# elif cnt == 283: # horizontal combinations + ZZ
# st0 = Stream()
# for t in [0, 1, 3, 4]:
# st0.append(tl[t])
# st1 = _rotate_corr_stream_horizontal(st0)
# out_st += st1
# out_st.append(tl[8])
# for ttr in tst:
# for ind, tr in enumerate(st):
# if ttr.id == tr.id:
# st.pop(ind)
# return out_st
# def _rotate_corr_stream_horizontal(st: Stream) -> Stream:
# """ Rotate traces in stream from the EE-EN-NE-NN system to
# the RR-RT-TR-TT system. The letters give the component order
# in the input and output streams. Input traces are assumed to be of same
# length and simultaneously sampled.
# """
# # rotation angles
# # phi1 : counter clockwise angle between E and R(towards second station)
# # the leading -1 accounts fact that we rotate the coordinate system,
# # not a vector
# phi1 = - np.pi/180*(90-st[0].stats['sac']['az'])
# # phi2 : counter clockwise angle between E and R(away from first station)
# phi2 = - np.pi/180*(90-st[0].stats['sac']['baz']+180)
# c1 = np.cos(phi1)
# s1 = np.sin(phi1)
# c2 = np.cos(phi2)
# s2 = np.sin(phi2)
# rt = Stream()
# RR = st[0].copy()
# RR.data = c1*c2*st[0].data - c1*s2*st[1].data - s1*c2*st[2].data +\
# s1*s2*st[3].data
# tcha = list(RR.stats['channel'])
# tcha[2] = 'R'
# tcha[6] = 'R'
# RR.stats['channel'] = ''.join(tcha)
# rt.append(RR)
# RT = st[0].copy()
# RT.data = c1*s2*st[0].data + c1*c2*st[1].data - s1*s2*st[2].data -\
# s1*c2*st[3].data
# tcha = list(RT.stats['channel'])
# tcha[2] = 'R'
# tcha[6] = 'T'
# RT.stats['channel'] = ''.join(tcha)
# rt.append(RT)
# TR = st[0].copy()
# TR.data = s1*c2*st[0].data - s1*s2*st[1].data + c1*c2*st[2].data -\
# c1*s2*st[3].data
# tcha = list(TR.stats['channel'])
# tcha[2] = 'T'
# tcha[6] = 'R'
# TR.stats['channel'] = ''.join(tcha)
# rt.append(TR)
# TT = st[0].copy()
# TT.data = s1*s2*st[0].data + s1*c2*st[1].data + c1*s2*st[2].data +\
# c1*c2*st[3].data
# tcha = list(TT.stats['channel'])
# tcha[2] = 'T'
# tcha[6] = 'T'
# TT.stats['channel'] = ''.join(tcha)
# rt.append(TT)
# return rt
# def _rotate_corr_stream(st: Stream) -> Stream:
# """ Rotate traces in stream from the EE-EN-EZ-NE-NN-NZ-ZE-ZN-ZZ system to
# the RR-RT-RZ-TR-TT-TZ-ZR-ZT-ZZ system. The letters give the component
# in the input and output streams. Input traces are assumed to be of same
# length and simultaneously sampled.
# """
# # rotation angles
# # phi1 : counter clockwise angle between E and R(towards second station)
# # the leading -1 accounts fact that we rotate the coordinate system,
# # not a vector
# phi1 = - np.pi/180*(90-st[0].stats['sac']['az'])
# # phi2 : counter clockwise angle between E and R(away from first station)
# phi2 = - np.pi/180*(90-st[0].stats['sac']['baz']+180)
# c1 = np.cos(phi1)
# s1 = np.sin(phi1)
# c2 = np.cos(phi2)
# s2 = np.sin(phi2)
# rtz = Stream()
# RR = st[0].copy()
# RR.data = c1*c2*st[0].data - c1*s2*st[1].data - s1*c2*st[3].data +\
# s1*s2*st[4].data
# tcha = list(RR.stats['channel'])
# tcha[2] = 'R'
# tcha[6] = 'R'
# RR.stats['channel'] = ''.join(tcha)
# rtz.append(RR)
# RT = st[0].copy()
# RT.data = c1*s2*st[0].data + c1*c2*st[1].data - s1*s2*st[3].data -\
# s1*c2*st[4].data
# tcha = list(RT.stats['channel'])
# tcha[2] = 'R'
# tcha[6] = 'T'
# RT.stats['channel'] = ''.join(tcha)
# rtz.append(RT)
# RZ = st[0].copy()
# RZ.data = c1*st[2].data - s1*st[5].data
# tcha = list(RZ.stats['channel'])
# tcha[2] = 'R'
# tcha[6] = 'Z'
# RZ.stats['channel'] = ''.join(tcha)
# rtz.append(RZ)
# TR = st[0].copy()
# TR.data = s1*c2*st[0].data - s1*s2*st[1].data + c1*c2*st[3].data -\
# c1*s2*st[4].data
# tcha = list(TR.stats['channel'])
# tcha[2] = 'T'
# tcha[6] = 'R'
# TR.stats['channel'] = ''.join(tcha)
# rtz.append(TR)
# TT = st[0].copy()
# TT.data = s1*s2*st[0].data + s1*c2*st[1].data + c1*s2*st[3].data +\
# c1*c2*st[4].data
# tcha = list(TT.stats['channel'])
# tcha[2] = 'T'
# tcha[6] = 'T'
# TT.stats['channel'] = ''.join(tcha)
# rtz.append(TT)
# TZ = st[0].copy()
# TZ.data = s1*st[2].data + c1*st[5].data
# tcha = list(TZ.stats['channel'])
# tcha[2] = 'T'
# tcha[6] = 'Z'
# TZ.stats['channel'] = ''.join(tcha)
# rtz.append(TZ)
# ZR = st[0].copy()
# ZR.data = c2*st[6].data - s2*st[7].data
# tcha = list(ZR.stats['channel'])
# tcha[2] = 'Z'
# tcha[6] = 'R'
# ZR.stats['channel'] = ''.join(tcha)
# rtz.append(ZR)
# ZT = st[0].copy()
# ZT.data = s2*st[6].data + c2*st[7].tuple
# ZT.stats['channel'] = ''.join(tcha)
# rtz.append(ZT)
# rtz.append(st[8].copy())
# return rtz
[docs]def sort_comb_name_alphabetically(
network1: str, station1: str, network2: str, station2: str,
location1: Optional[str] = '', location2: Optional[str] = '',
channel1: Optional[str] = '', channel2: Optional[str] = '') -> Tuple[
list, list]:
Returns the alphabetically sorted network and station codes from the two
:param network1: network code of first station
:type network1: str
:param station1: station code of first station
:type station1: str
:param network2: Network code of second station
:type network2: str
:param station2: Station Code of second Station
:type station2: str
:return: A tuple containing the list of the network codes sorted
and the list of the station codes sorted.
:rtype: Tuple[ list, list]
>>> net1 = 'IU' # Network Code of first station
>>> stat1 = 'HRV' # Station Code of first station
>>> net2 = 'XN'
>>> stat2 = 'NEP06'
>>> print(sort_comb_name_aphabetically(
net1, stat1, net2, stat2))
(['IU', 'XN'], ['HRV', 'NEP06'])
>>> print(sort_comb_name_aphabetically(
net2, stat2, net1, stat1))
(['IU', 'XN'], ['HRV', 'NEP06'])
>>> # Different combination
>>> net1 = 'YP' # Network Code of first station
>>> stat1 = 'AB3' # Station Code of first station
>>> net2 = 'XN'
>>> stat2 = 'NEP06'
>>> print(sort_comb_name_aphabetically(
net1, stat1, net2, stat2))
(['XN', 'YP'], ['NEP06', 'AB3'])
>>> # Different combination
>>> net1 = 'XN' # Network Code of first station
>>> stat1 = 'NEP07' # Station Code of first station
>>> net2 = 'XN'
>>> stat2 = 'NEP06'
>>> print(sort_comb_name_aphabetically(
net1, stat1, net2, stat2))
(['XN', 'XN'], ['NEP06', 'NEP07'])
if not all([isinstance(arg, str) for arg in [
network1, network2, station1, station2, location2, location1,
channel1, channel2]]):
raise TypeError('All arguments have to be strings.')
sort1 = network1 + station1 + location1 + channel1
sort2 = network2 + station2 + location2 + channel2
sort = [sort1, sort2]
sorted = sort.copy()
if sort == sorted:
netcomb = [network1, network2]
statcomb = [station1, station2]
loccomb = [location1, location2]
chacomb = [channel1, channel2]
netcomb = [network2, network1]
statcomb = [station2, station1]
loccomb = [location2, location1]
chacomb = [channel2, channel1]
return netcomb, statcomb, loccomb, chacomb
[docs]def compute_network_station_combinations(
netlist: list, statlist: list,
method: str = 'betweenStations', combis: List[str] = None) -> Tuple[
list, list]:
Return the network and station codes of the correlations for the provided
lists of networks and stations and the queried combination method.
:param netlist: List of network codes
:type netlist: list
:param statlist: List of Station Codes
:type statlist: list
:param method: The combination method to use. Has to be one of the
following: `betweenStation`, `betweenComponents`, `autoComponents`,
`allSimpleCombinations`, or `allCombinations`,
defaults to 'betweenStations'.
:type method: str, optional
:param combis: List of desired station combinations.
Given as [net0-net1.stat0-stat1]. Optional.
:type combis: List[str]
:raises ValueError: for unkown combination methods.
:return: A tuple containing the list of the correlation network code
and the list of the correlation station code.
:rtype: Tuple[list, list]
netcombs = []
statcombs = []
if method == 'betweenStations':
for ii, (n, s) in enumerate(zip(netlist, statlist)):
for jj in range(ii+1, len(netlist)):
n2 = netlist[jj]
s2 = statlist[jj]
if n != n2 or s != s2:
nc, sc, _, _ = sort_comb_name_alphabetically(n, s, n2, s2)
# Check requested combinations
if (
combis is not None
and f'{nc[0]}-{nc[1]}.{sc[0]}-{sc[1]}' not in combis
netcombs.append('%s-%s' % (nc[0], nc[1]))
statcombs.append('%s-%s' % (sc[0], sc[1]))
elif method == 'betweenComponents' or method == 'autoComponents':
netcombs = [n+'-'+n for n in netlist]
statcombs = [s+'-'+s for s in statlist]
elif method == 'allSimpleCombinations':
for ii, (n, s) in enumerate(zip(netlist, statlist)):
for jj in range(ii, len(netlist)):
n2 = netlist[jj]
s2 = statlist[jj]
nc, sc, _, _ = sort_comb_name_alphabetically(n, s, n2, s2)
netcombs.append('%s-%s' % (nc[0], nc[1]))
statcombs.append('%s-%s' % (sc[0], sc[1]))
elif method == 'allCombinations':
for n, s in zip(netlist, statlist):
for n2, s2 in zip(netlist, statlist):
nc, sc, _, _ = sort_comb_name_alphabetically(n, s, n2, s2)
netcombs.append('%s-%s' % (nc[0], nc[1]))
statcombs.append('%s-%s' % (sc[0], sc[1]))
raise ValueError("Method has to be one of ('betweenStations', "
"'betweenComponents', 'autoComponents', "
"'allSimpleCombinations' or 'allCombinations').")
return netcombs, statcombs
[docs]def preprocess_stream(
st: Stream, store_client: Store_Client,
startt: UTCDateTime, endt: UTCDateTime, taper_len: float,
remove_response: bool, subdivision: dict,
preProcessing: List[dict] = None,
**kwargs) -> Stream:
Does the preprocessing on a per stream basis. Most of the parameters can be
fed in by using the "yaml" dict as kwargs.
:param st: Input Stream to be processed
:type st: :class:`obspy.core.stream.Stream`
:param store_client: Store Client for the database
:type store_client: :class:`~seismic.trace_data.waveform.Store_Client`
:param inv: Station response, can be None if ``remove_response=False``.
:type inv: Inventory or None
:param startt: Starttime that the stream should be clipped / padded to.
:type startt: :class:`obspy.UTCDateTime`
:param endt: Endtime that the stream should be clipped / padded to.
:type endt: :class:`obspy.UTCDateTime`
:param taper_len: If the instrument response is removed, one might want to
taper to mitigate the acausal effects of the deconvolution. This is
the length of such a taper in seconds.
:type taper_len: float
:param remove_response: Should the instrument response be removed?
:type remove_response: bool
:param subdivision: Dictionary holding information about the correlation
lenghts and increments.
:type subdivision: dict
:param preProcessing: List holding information about the different external
preprocessing functions to be applied, defaults to None
:type preProcessing: List[dict], optional
:raises ValueError: For sampling rates higher than the stream's native
sampling rate (upsampling is not permitted).
:return: The preprocessed stream.
:rtype: :class:`obspy.core.stream.Stream`
if not st.count():
return st
st = ppst.detrend_st(st, 'linear')
# deal with overlaps
# This should be a setting in the parameter file
st = mu.gap_handler(st, 1, taper_len*4, taper_len)
if not st.count():
# could happen after handling gaps
return st
# To deal with any nans/masks
st = st.split()
st = st.sort(keys=['starttime'])
inv = store_client.inventory
if remove_response:
st.remove_response(taper=False, inventory=inv)
except ValueError:
print('Station response not found ... loading from remote.')
# missing station response
ninv = store_client.rclient.get_stations(
network=st[0].stats.network, station=st[0].stats.station,
channel='*', level='response')
st.remove_response(taper=False, inventory=ninv)
inv += ninv
# Sometimes Z has reversed polarity
if inv:
mu.correct_polarity(st, inv)
except Exception as e:
mu.discard_short_traces(st, subdivision['corr_len']/20)
if preProcessing:
for procStep in preProcessing:
if 'detrend_st' in procStep['function'] \
or 'cos_taper_st' in procStep['function']:
'Tapering and Detrending are now always perfomed '
'as part of the preprocessing. Ignoring parameter...',
func = func_from_str(procStep['function'])
st = func(st, **procStep['args'])
st.trim(startt, endt, pad=True)
mu.discard_short_traces(st, subdivision['corr_len']/20)
return st
[docs]def generate_corr_inc(
st: Stream, subdivision: dict, read_len: int,
**kwargs) -> Iterator[Stream]:
Subdivides the preprocessed streams into parts of equal length using
the parameters ``cor_inc`` and ``cor_len`` in ``subdivision``.
This function can be acessed by several processes in parallel
:param st: The preprocessed input stream
:type st: :class:`obspy.core.stream.Stream`
:param subdivision: Dictionary holding the information about the
correlation length and increment.
:type subdivision: dict
:param read_len: Length to be read from disk in seconds
:type read_len: int
:yield: Equal length windows, padded with nans / masked if data is missing.
:rtype: Generator[Stream]
# Second loop to return the time window in correlation length
for ii, win0 in enumerate(st.slide(
subdivision['corr_len']-st[0].stats.delta, subdivision['corr_inc'],
# We use trim so the windows have the right time and
# are filled with masked arrays for places without values
starttrim = st[0].stats.starttime + ii*subdivision['corr_inc']
endtrim = st[0].stats.starttime + ii*subdivision['corr_inc'] +\
win = win0.trim(starttrim, endtrim, pad=True)
yield win
except IndexError:
# processes with no data end up here
win = Stream()
# A little dirty, but it has to go through an equally long loop
# else this will cause a deadlock
for _ in range(int(np.ceil(
yield win