.. seismic documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Sun Mar 22 12:50:55 2020. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. SeisMIC library documentation ============================= SeisMIC (**Seismological Monitoring using Interferometric Concepts**) is a software that emerged from the miic library. **SeisMIC** provides functionality to apply some concepts of seismic interferometry to recordings of elastic waves. Its main use case is the monitoring of temporal changes in a mediums (e.g., monitoring of temporal velocity changes). .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 :caption: Contents: modules/intro modules/get_started modules/trace_data modules/correlate modules/corrdb modules/monitor modules/API Tutorials --------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: A practical introduction to SeisMIC: modules/tutorials Interactive Flowchart ===================== .. mermaid:: %%{init: { 'logLevel': 'debug', 'theme': 'base' } }%% graph TD fdsn[(FDSN Server)] -->|download| waveform raw[(Raw Data)] -->|read| waveform waveform[.waveform] --> preprocess_st(Stream Preprocessing) subgraph seismic.trace_data waveform end subgraph seismic.correlate preprocess_st --> preprocessing_td[TDPreProcessing] preprocessing_td --> preprocessing_fd[FDPreprocessing] preprocessing_fd --> correlate[Correlate] correlate --> stream{{CorrTrace, CorrStream, and CorrBulk}} end stream -->|save| corrdb[(CorrDB/hdf5)] corrdb --> monitor subgraph seismic.monitor monitor[Measure dv] -->|save| dv{{DV}} end click waveform "./modules/trace_data.html" "trace_data" click seismic.correlate "./modules/correlate.html" "correlate" click preprocess_st "./modules/correlate/get_started.html#preprocessing-arguments" "preprocessing" click preprocessing_fd "./modules/correlate/get_started.html#preprocessing-arguments" "preprocessing" click preprocessing_td "./modules/correlate/get_started.html#preprocessing-arguments" "preprocessing" click correlate "./modules/correlate.html" "correlate" click stream "./modules/correlate/stream.html" "CorrStream" click corrdb "./modules/corrdb.html" "CorrDB" click monitor "./modules/monitor.html" "Monitor" click dv "./modules/monitor/dv.html" "DV" classDef active fill:#f666, stroke-width:4px, stroke:#f06; Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`